at what point in a relationship is it ...?

okay to go condom-less, especially in a gay relationship, or is there ever a time?


Favorite Answer

You can only catch STDs and HIV off someone who has them. If your partner is clean, you won't catch anything, so it's OK to go without condoms.

If either of you have had previous partners it's a good idea to be tested, some diseases can lay dormant or not be obvious. Once you know that you are both clear, there is no need for condoms, unless a heterosexual couple wish to use them for contraception.


When you and your partner have been both tested to make sure you are both safe and clean of anything that could make you sick then you can go without a condom. I have never done the deed but when I find a boyfriend I would want him tested along with me before we both try anything without a condom.


No if your gay, but yeah go bareback if your not gay and want to have a kid FTW
the chances of AIDS and HIV are much higher condom-less


When trust is involved, that and AIDS test