birthday party invitations?

I am planning a Build-a-Bear party for my soon-to-be 6 yr. old, then going out for pizza. When asking questions of of the store on how they do parties, they said they ask parents to leave, except for birthday mom. How do I word that on invitations? The store is in the mall, so I was thinking of something like:

"Time: The bear making festivities will be from 3:00-4:00, so parents are free to enjoy some Christmas shopping time during this activity. At 4:00, we will head to ......"

I don't know if that is clear enough that parents WON'T be allowed. Ideas?


lola bear - It's build-a-bear that doesn't allow all those parents as they are still open for business and don't close the store for a party. It's not like I'm banning parents from the party. I'm asking how to communicate build-a-bear's policy.


Favorite Answer

I dont think it is clear enough... Maybe say "parents are free to enjoy some Christmas shopping time during this activity as Build a Bear requests that parents are not present in the workshop during the party.". That way it does not sound too rude but still makes the rule clear.


I would ask build-a-bear why they don't allow parents, could be insurance policy or space limitation, etc. Then you can say that on the invitation, parents would understand. That's what I would do.


You can find a bunch of unique and compelling Birthday Invitations at


parents are always welcome at events where their children attend -change your attitude & invite.