Do any moms work full time AND do everything at home?

I was cleaning the kitchen this evening while my husband was putting our son to bed and I started thinking how we have always traded off - one puts the kid to bed while the other cleans up after dinner. My husband also does all the laundry and cooks sometimes. I do probably 75% of household chores, but I can't imagine doing 100% and working 40 hours a week like I do.

Does anyone here do that and if so, are you happy?


Favorite Answer

absolutely not
i dont have to


If mom doesn't work then, yes she should be responsible for cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, and taking care of the kid. I say this because dad is working full time, he shouldn't be expected to get off a full time job to go home and work more. BUT if mom wants to work and money is short then dad should allow this to happen and then all household chores should be split between the 2. As for dad not holding hands or making love with mom... that's not right at all! He needs to show mom he loves her more! BUT mom should also make an effort to get dad in the mood. If not thing will get boring very quickly and that is when one or maybe both people will choose to wonder and will leave the relationship in a disaster. Good Luck to mom and dad!


I dont work full time but I do work 27-30 hrs a weekend and my husband works Mon-Fri. I do everything around the house, and yard because until recently he worked out of town. He started working in town the past couple of weeks and he has been slightly more helpful. He basically takes care of the kids' needs while I clean the house or yard. I prefer it that way.

I was really used to him being gone so I got used to doing everything on my own. It's nice to have him here to take care of the kids, but I wouldn't ask him to do anything with the house because I have a system that helps me keep my house very clean. It's the same with the yard. He would never have anything finished if I relied on him. It's just easier for me, and yes I am happier this way because things are done right.


My mum didn't work full time but she worked close too it. She raised 6 children and did all the house work. Her ex husband (my ex step dad) was a lazy jerk and did jack all to help. He just laid in bed.

I have a two year old son and a wonderful husband. I do 99% of the housework as I am a stay at home mum, but when I'm sick or have to work or study my hubby will help out. :) I have no idea how my mum does it all. I get tired, just from what I have to do!!!

Just tryin' to help2011-11-09T18:41:54Z

My husband recently went back to school full time and switched his full time work schedule to second shift. It's taken two months, but I've become accustomed to the "single mom" gig. It kind of upsets me when he doesn't want to do anything on the weekends, either but I know this is temporary and will end up better for both of us.

We pretty much split 50/50 before he went back to school. I miss those days! ;-)

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