Why are Affirmative Action employees considered incompetent?
It is well know in the real and business world that employees who receive their positions by the preferential selection process called Affirmative Action. are less or under qualified than those who passed the exams, and honestly earned their selection for employment, however, the racial and sexual quota system , although unfair and unconstitutional, remains alive and well.
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Not ALL are incompetent, only SOME are because of the selection criteria used... and the some that are give the rest a bad name... I am against affirmative action since it is unfair on a fundamental level. I am all for a level playing field, but to give someone an advantage because of some criteria that is NOT job related, is favoritism.
Affirmative Action also keeps employers from hiring under qualified people because the employer chooses to avoid a certain race. Trust me, I've had employers who have stated they would never hire an Arabic woman or a black man. They only do it to satisfy the quota. Another thing to consider,.this.particular boss was Indian....like from India
Because they can't get hired just based on the merits of their experience and qualifications, so they pull the race card and take the job away from the real qualified professional. A real qualified professional doesn't need to use a race card.
Some people in here don't know what affirmative action is, nor what it does, nor whom it helps.
AA is completely voluntary for private businesses and colleges. Fact. AA does not choose a weaker candidate for the job...EVER. Fact. AA is ONLY considered if the candidate is EQUALLY qualified for the position. Fact. AA helps just as many white people as it does black, as well as veterans, single moms, elderly, young people, and every other possible demographic. Fact.
because of the fact they are able to't get employed basically based on the reward of their adventure and skills, so as that they pull the race card and take the activity removed from the genuine qualified professional. a real qualified professional does not could desire to apply a race card.