How can Tobi breathe in his mask?

I am making a cosplay costume of tobi and my mom wont let me were my mask i made out of clay unless it has breathe holes that i can breathe through. how would i do that??? I can breathe fine with out them with the mask on. whats your idea on how i sould make the mask? Please tell.


Favorite Answer

most apparent reason air is let in through the eye hole, go with his new mask with both eyes and just make them slightly bigger, if that doesn't work but you don't want to add a mouth (who would to that mask) take a tube or something and run it from your mouth down your robe ( your doing the robe right?) and out the sleeve do it's descrete.


Well if you can breathe fine without them, then don't put them there? And just convince your mother you can breathe.

Conor wharton2011-11-15T22:54:07Z

make tiny holes in the black lines

strangers have the best candy. やじゅ2011-11-15T21:30:52Z

I think he has tiny holes in it.