Beatles attractions in Liverpool?

I would like to take a Trip to England and Ireland next May, 2012. I know there is the Beatles History in Liverpool but i would like to know if there are other Beatles tours, sites, museums or places of interest in Liverpool. I would like to experience every tour and every beatles tourist site in Liverpool. Also can i take a boat from Liverpool to Ireland? I might consider I really look forward to one day seeing Liverpool and Penny lane. Any Experiences and Information and advice would be great. Thanks. The Beatles

Rusty Shackleford2011-11-20T00:35:18Z

Favorite Answer

Of course there are a few Beatles attractions, but Liverpool doesn't capitalise on the Fab 4 as much as you might expect. I gave the museum a wide birth because it was extortionate (£12.95 last time I checked), but there are shops were you can buy Beatles memorabilia. There's a free Beatles type museum/shop in front of the Liver building. I don't know about the ferry to Ireland but I think yes you can.

Have fun. Liverpool is awesome.


dont waste time in liverpool.

it is dangerous and dirty. there are robberies, muggings, pickpocketings all the time.

the food is practically inedible, greasy or cold, and the pubs are filled with exactly the type of people you would expect from liverpool.

you can do yourself a favour and go straight to Ireland. It is possible to catch the ferry to Ireland but why waste that beautiful country. Go to southern ireland instead. the people wont try and rob you or attack you there.


theres jasey at it again, he really should get a life.