In the news today- No Internet Soaps- Prospect Park Fails!?

Plans for two soaps that were supposed to go over to the web have been canceled. No future for either of the two! So sorry!


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It makes me sooooooo angry ..I will never watch the chew or the revolutionI hope they cancel them I can thing of 1 million other shows they could have cancelled ...I just dont get it ''if it aint broke why fix it '' they had great ratings ..


That has really pissed me off! They ended AMC with a crappy ending but at least I was waiting patiently to see what was going to happen in January. Now, we will never know who JR shot, who David is hiding, always thought it was Babe. I should have known this was too good to be true. I have been watching this soap for almost 30 years now. Cook shows and talk shows, who the hell cares. I want my soap back:(

freedom fighter2011-11-25T17:49:10Z

What????? I can't believe this. I surely hope they give OLTL a better send of than they did. AMC. It was too good to be true. I'm saddened by this news.