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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionSoap Operas · 1 decade ago

i saw on in the soap news today that either jayne or ian get shot dead in eastenders? any ideas?

27 Answers

  • lou
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    jane gets shot by stephen but i dont think they are going to kill her off

  • 1 decade ago

    It's Jane who gets shot but not killed, tho she is then dealt some devastating life changing news ( probably that she won't be able to have kids - Ian has enough already & they are all little sh1t's so thats not really a bad thing!!!!)

    Lucy asks Steven to dispose of the gun Craig gave her, he shoots Jane with it instead!!

  • 1 decade ago

    That would be a shame, Ian is the only cast member left who has been in it since the first episode (Dot left for a few years). I thought he would be the Ken Barlow of Eastenders!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    jayne gets shot,but but dont know if she survives.when i first read it in soap mags,i thought it was going to be craig(lucys ex) who shot her,as he had a gun in his glove department, but now steven has come back,surely its got to be him, but i suppose no one will actually know until we see it,because there have been a lot of twists in the soaps just lately,just wish we could see what steven has done to knobhead ian.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I could be Ian, Jane or Lucy, we can only hope it will be Ian but knowing tv world it will be Steven.

  • Lucy shoots Jane to be with Cindy who /sdead anyway.she wants to be with Steven .remember the gun is in the wardrobe still.and that's all there is to it.oh yer Steven eats some of Ian's chips and chokes to dearth.well it sounds ok to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i read in a soap spoiler it was jane, but not sure if it is real or not, i dont see how it is ian as he is holding the gun and steven pulls the trigger, so would you hold the gun and point it towards yourself?? x x

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't got the tv book yet, so it's news to me!! Going to rush and get it now!!!

    I'd love to know what Stephen has done with Ian, creepy little man, not so high-and-mighty Beale now is he? haha


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know Jayne gets shot but I don't think she dies!


    Stephen takes Jayne to where he has held Ian hostage & she gets shot.

    So I've heard!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think Steven turns the gun on himself as the twins mean the world to him but Lucy now knows what he is like.

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