I don't know what to do?
I feel like I've been screwed over by life. Since birth. I'm getting closer and closer to graduating from high school, and it's one of the best schools where I live, but I (without getting too personal) can't get a job, or go to any college besides a community college.( Trust me when I say I'm not exaggerating) I'm not particularly attractive or unattractive, probably somewhere around perfectly average, so even my looks are nothing special. I'm not particularly smart, have no discernible talents, and my mother constantly belittles me by talking about her own success in school. (Actually, that's the catalyst for this meltdown, her standards of doing assignments are bordering on demented, as in I wouldn't be surprised if she forced me to freaking buy gold leaf and decorate the edges of my assignment with it.) She constantly tells me I have no excuse for being unmotivated because I'm so smart, but I have nothing going for me. Just nothing. I wish I were a spoiled rich kid but no effing way I'm stuck in a place where my school is the only one that doesn't have police stationed in it every single day. So... I have nothing to look forward to in life. Please take for granted that I cannot find work or go to a good college. I'm getting really really tired of it, and I'm seriously considering just... taking things into my own hands and removing myself from this ridiculous game.