what are good vitamins to increase blood flow to the penis?

I am looking for vitamins that I can take that will increase blood flow to my penis. I heard the more blood flow to the penis, the better you perform (last longer) in bed.

I did some research of my own on Google and found on a few websites where people said vitamins E, B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), and B12 are good vitamins to take to increase blood flow, but you have to take all of them.

Any information will do. Thank you.


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This is kind of off topic but its a simple way to increase the ease of getting an erection, but first check your pants and under wear ( the labels) and see if they are made of any poly ester if they are get rid of them and switch to something that doesn't contain poly ester (cotton). Also If your bedding contains poly ester change it to.
I will now tell you why poly ester is bad for getting erection: Poly ester is a type of man made plastic that has a positive electrical charge, while our body's have negative electrical charge. What happens when they come in Contact with the penis is it causes a neutral charge in the penis which decreases blood flow to it ( so you cant get an erection easily)
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