What kinds of exercise do you do? Tai-chi, Yoga, Pilates, etc?
Many exercises such as Tai-chi, chi-gung and Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises are supposed to be very good for seniors. How many seniors actually practice these exercises?
Many exercises such as Tai-chi, chi-gung and Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises are supposed to be very good for seniors. How many seniors actually practice these exercises?
Favorite Answer
I am fifty-six and I practice Kenpo karate. It is a form of hand fighting which utilizes many of the different martial arts.
I also love yoga and using weights with my stepper. It is a hydraulic stepper and it is one great workout!
I walk a lot. I've lost three quarters of a stone since I moved house 3 months ago just by walking to town instead of taking the bus. I used to live too far away from the shops to walk. Now I walk between 2 and 4 miles each day, depending on whether I walk the whole lot or take a bus back with the bags of shopping.
I used to cycle. I was over 400 miles a month. Traffic is getting worse, and motorists are becoming more predatory. They can kill you, and get off with the excuse. "I didn't see him" every time. I'm swimming laps an hour a day now. Not as good, but some exercise, at least. Cycling is back to less than 100 miles a month.
i do something called "flow yoga"its very challenging ,don't like aerobics or running .find them to exhausting.and upsetting.yoga also relieves all stress.like most exercises.However along with practicing the exorcises,I find I make better choices in foods that I eat.and don't find it difficult to stick to better foods.feel very strong and limber and as a result of eating better i have little or no inflammation in the body.I also do free waits about 2xs a week.8 lbs.for larger muscles and 6 lbs. for small ones.But i must say if I did not maintain all of this i would be taking aspirin everyday .
My exercise is regular household duties along with walking two rambunctious dogs.