Why doesn't Obama believe in Americanism?

In his speech in Osawatomie Kansas, Obama said:

"'The market will take care of everything,' they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes – especially for the wealthy – our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn't trickle down, well, that's the price of liberty.

Now, it's a simple theory. And we have to admit, it's one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That's in America's DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked. It didn't work when it was tried in the decade before the Great Depression. It's not what led to the incredible postwar booms of the '50s and '60s. And it didn't work when we tried it during the last decade. I mean, understand, it's not as if we haven't tried this theory."

He doesn't think our Free Enterprise Capitalist system has worked...ever! He really believes that individual Americans are nothing without Federal Bureaucrats "protecting" them from themselves. I have never heard this kind of nonsense from any President in my entire lifetime.


bcnu 111- please look at the 17th paragraph in the speech. I cut and pasted the quote from the link you cite. That is exactly what he said and I quoted.

A lot of people don't seem to know what Americanism is.




Scott b - That is exactly what that quote means. How else can you interpret it?


hansblix222 - I am not defending that kind of government intervention, either.


Nomad - If that isn't the Free Enterprise System, how do you define the Free Enterprise System that isn't Supply Side? I would like to know since it began long before there even was a Federal Government.


Matthew D Rises - What are you saying? The quote is covers a lot more of a time frame than the 1980's and so do I. I go back to the Eisenhower administration. I have been a witness to a lot of the history you are being lied to about.


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Pardon the caps but


I see exactly what you see Jacob! The SOB is saying it wasn't rugged individualism that Built This Country.. It was BIG GOVERNMENT!

Obama can kiss my American A-S-S!


OH the HYPOCRISY! Obama has been manipulating the market since 2008 and he has picked winners and losers let's put it at losers this class war fare will only back fire on Obama he is a President of speeches and no results! NO OBAMA IN 20012!!! This man has increased gov. bigger then any other president. He has increased the debt in 3 years 4 trillion dollars higher then any other president. He is making Bush look good and that is not hard at this point! Now voter fraud is a big problem for Obama he may be looking at impeachment because he did not qualified to be on the ballot so we have been subject to his B.S. for 3 years and that is disgusting in my eyes.


Do you need some help with reading comprehension?

Here you go. A lesson.

"Now it's a simply theory." What is a simple theory? "Prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else." That's the simple theory. SUPPLY SIDE ECONOMICS is the simple theory. Not free enterprise capitalism.

Supply side economics does not work, never has worked, has no empirical evidence that it CAN work, and plenty of empirical evidence that exactly the opposite happens.

So there you go. There's your lesson.


That's your definition of Americanism, but that is not a refleciton of reality. Just look at the collusion of government and big business dating back to the 19th century. Did you know we have more poor people than any other industrialized country (as a percentage of the population)? That doesn't seem very "American" to me.


America did not exist before the 1980's?

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