Can we improve the internet by boycotting sponsors?

It seems to me that most of my time spent online is wasted. 9 out of ten times when I look for something I get something other than I wanted and I have to look at an Ad and find where I click to close to see it.
OK you computer geeks may think that for YOU the internet is nearly perfect, and my problem is I never learned how to use a computer, Well the advertizers think of me as a potential customer. I have got into the habit of buying the lowest priced product, because the brand name products appear to me to be overpriced. I keep thinking that a few percent of the price goes to the brand's advertizing budget, so by buying the brand name product I am paying for something that wastes my time.
I hate my computer so if I see something advertized on it, I will associate the hostility I feel towards my computer with the product I see advertised.
Perhaps we can e-mail the sponsors and say that if a website doesn't work right for me, I will write the sponsors name on a list of stuff I refuse to buy.


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But it is not the sponsor's fault if the pop up ad doesn't work properly. Yeah the ads are annoying sometimes but nothing in this world is free.

The net has so much for free -whether illegally or not- that having to look at a few ads isn't a big price to pay. The amount of information you have access to is insane. Fireplace not working? Look it up. Need a new peanut butter cookie recepie? Look it up. Want to play a game? Look it up. Buy a dress or a movie? You better believe it.

So if for all that I have to look at an ad once in a while, so be it.

Plus a lot of browsers allow for ad blockers anyway.


Problem is..w/out them...we/you would not be able to use this nor would we be able to be here. Others need to pay rent & put food on there table as well. I know it goes a bit too far @times,however over look that & be thankful for @least for now,we still have our freedom to do this & make money. We have far bigger issues. Yahoo is all messed up b/c middle eastern ppl don't want us/yahoo to use the 1st amendment k?

Haven't you noticed that the pages/site here are like yahoo's news link/page?


Unfortunately advertising is a necessary evil without it the net would not be free and a lot of what we get is paid for by advertising and all advertisers see you as a potential customer there's nowt you or I can do about it .


you do realize that advertisements are written and produced so that the uneducated and gullible can understand the product? the internet consist of many of that group. especially Yahoo.


Caveat emptor.