How do you think we should revamp the economy?

A. Cut spending
B. Create new programs which make it easier for American businesses to run smoothly
C. Use taxpayer money for costly programs that may or may not creeate jobs.

Even simpler do you think that it should be american government,individual taxpayers, or companies and corporate regulation who accept the most responsibility for turning it around


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I'm going to have to go for option A.

I have some experience of government programs, I used to work for an economic development agency in the UK. We used to fluctuate between inefficiency, incompetence, and outright corruption.

Inefficiency was the best we could hope for!

Leave it to the private sector to create jobs and growth. Millions of entrepreneurs striving to succeed, putting their own necks on the block if they fail, that's how progress comes - not from some fat bunch of bureaucrats playing with other people's money!



I agree with the wonderful explanation above.