Why the hell do people encourage mediocrity on the "Books and Authors" section?
Seriously, it's disgusting how easily absolutely terrible openings/summaries/stories are called "The best things ever". Why do people decide to give blatantly terrible user-made scripture such great praise?
I was reading a bunch of critique responses to some random user novels and it was just shameful how easily some of the worst material i have ever read was deemed "The best attention grabber ever". Why do people write these encouraging bullshit comments to absoloute crap?
Favorite Answer
Either that is their opinion, or they want Best Answer. Not all the people here who enjoy writing sugar coat all the writing that askers post here. It doesn't help that the majority of writers here are young, and they want praise. Sometimes you have to give that to them. Crushing their hopes and dreams is equally as bad as telling them how great they are.
And then there are the people that actually care about improving the writing of others, who give an honest critique composed half of praise and half of criticism. Apparently you aren't on enough to see those.
The real question is this: why do young writers always pick the answer that says "I love it!" as Best Answer when it's obvious that others took the time to honestly say what they thought? It's a praise thing, that's why. Some people just want Best Answer (though I don't see why they would...)
Either they really think it's amazing, or are trying to get best answer. Or maybe they're just trying to be nice. Personally I think leading someone on with a false opinion is terribly mean, but I'm not sure everyone think that way.
It's so much easier to tell them it's amazing, then actually having to spend the time to type out what they could improve on.
Honestly, I'd rather see all the "you're an amazing writer" than "you suck." Regardless if the latter is true. Might as well encourage mediocrity than stomp on an aspiring writer that's going to learn eventually.
Gaara-obsessed and still crazy!2012-01-14T13:18:25Z
Because they want Best Answer. The tweens who think they're awesome but are really complete crap pick the ones that say 'I love it!' as Best Answer because they love having their egos stroked (believe me, I've been there).
Or maybe because most of the users here are complete idiots and just don't appreciate a well-written novel (seeing as around 3/4 of people here are teenagers, and they loved Twilight and just can't really tell the difference between awesome and eh).
Why do you complain about people encouraging bullshit comments to absolute crap? If it bothers you so much then don't look in the Books and Authors section. Simple as that.