Don't know if at the right place but would love to ask this------>How accurate're scientist about the human ev?
How accurate are scientist about human evolution? How so very sure they are about what they're talking about? Where're the evidence? ? ? Should we just believe what they say? Am totally lost.....
Favorite Answer
Many scientists in recent years have departed from Evolution due to a lack of evidence and contradiction. In its place, the scientific theory of intelligent design is gaining momentum. Darwin himself stated if certain evidences were not discovered, his theory would fall apart. Complex life and the fossil record have both represented a contrary view to Evolution.
Examples of evolution's inadequacy:
-Lack of transitional forms: according to Darwin's theory of evolution, there should be transitional forms in the fossil record. However, archeological studies have only further disproved evolution in this. No transitional forms have been discovered, and the suggestion that these forms could have been destroyed and not preserved is improbable, since single celled organisms were preserved. -Galapagos Island flinches were said to have evolved, since those with certain beak variations survived and other inadequate finches died when the cold weather arrived. This, however, is not a case of natural selection since the "inadequate" finches return with the warm weather. Same with bacteria resistant to various drugs, when the drug is removed, the resistant strain is destroyed by its parent. -Complex life such as the bacterial flagellum may have some part which could be borrowed, however the other parts could not and therefore could not result from natural selection. Also, the complex instructions required rule out chance (moreover, the bacterial flagellum would have been destroyed by natural selection since it would not have been fully functional). Such is the case with the complexity of DNA and the vast intricacies of a cell's inner-workings, creation, development, celular machines, etc.
I have dozens more examples which I will add if you so wish (I'll add them tomorrow at around this time).
If you'd like to do some research on this matter yourself, I've included a plethora of helpful websites in my sources.
Consequently, you may find that some of these sources are written by Christians. This is no way diminishes their intelligence or reliability in the spectrum of Science where they have utilized solid proof and reasoning to come to their conclusions. Many of these writers were previously evolutionists who, after discovering such gaping holes of logic and evidence, determined intelligent design was the only probable answer by way of proper science.