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Humans to be extinct within 100 years? world’s population may sink as low as 500 million over the next century?

Humans to be extinct within 100 years?

We Won’t Be Able To Survive Population Explosion & Unbridled Consumption, Says Aussie Scientist

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London: An Australian scientist, who helped eradicate smallpox from the world, has created a new sensation by predicting that the human race will be extinct within the next 100 years.

Frank Fenner, emeritus professor of microbiology at the Australian National University, has claimed that the human race will be unable to survive a population explosion and “unbridled consumption”. “Homo sapiens will become extinct, perhaps within 100 years,” Fenner said. “A lot of other animals will, too.”

“It’s an irreversible situation. I think it’s too late. I try not to express that because people are trying to do something, but they keep putting it off.”

He said that since humans have entered an unofficial scientific period known as the Anthropocene — the time since industrialisation — we have had an effect on the planet that rivals any ice age or comet impact, the Daily Mail reported. Fenner also blamed the onset of climate change for the human race’s imminent demise. He said, “Climate change is just at the very beginning. But we’re seeing remarkable changes in the weather already.

“We’ll undergo the same fate as the people on Easter Island... The Aborigines showed that without science and the production of carbon dioxide and global warming, they could survive for 40,000 or 50,000 years.

“But the world can’t. The human species is likely to go the same way as many of the species that we’ve seen disappear.”

Fenner, 95, has won awards for his work in helping eradicate the variola virus that causes smallpox and has written or cowritten 22 books. In 1980, he announced the eradication of the disease to the World Health Assembly and it is still regarded as one of the World Health Organisation’s greatest achievements.

However, Stephen Boyden, a colleague of Fenner, said that while there was deep pessimism among some ecologists, others had a more optimistic view.

Fenner’s chilling prediction echoes recent comments by Prince Charles who last week warned of “monumental problems” if the world’s population continues to grow at such a rapid pace. According to 2009 UN estimates, the current global population is 6.8 billion which can exceed to seven billion by the end of 2011.

Earlier, Nicholas Boyle of Cambridge University had said that a “Doomsday” moment will take place in 2014 — and will determine whether the 21st century is full of violence and poverty or will be peaceful and prosperous. In 2006, another esteemed academic, James Lovelock, warned that the world’s population may sink as low as 500 million over the next century due to global warming. He claimed that any attempts to tackle climate change will not be able to solve the problem, merely buy us time. PTI




Update 2:


@ Poondi B:

Nice explanations !

A Thiruvasagam Verse:

வளைத்து நின்று, ஐவர்கள்வர் வந்து எனை நடுக்கம் செய்ய

தளைத்து வைத்து உலையை ஏற்றித் தழல்-எரி மடுத்த நீரில்-

திளைத்து நின்று ஆடுகின்ற ஆமை போல்-தெளிவுஇலாதேன்,

இளைத்து நின்று ஆடுகின்றேன்---��ன் செய்வான் தோன்றினேனே!

Update 3:

ஐவர் கள்வர்

the five organs of sense which are like robbers.

வளைத்து நின்று

remaining surrounding me.

வந்து எனை நடுக்கம் செய்ய

draw near me and make me tremble.

தளைத்து வைத்து

trying the feet.

உலையை ஏற்றி

setting a pot of water on the fire for cooking rice.

தழல் எரி மடுத்த நீரில்

in the water which was heated by burning fire.

திளைத்து நின்று ஆடுகின்ற ஆமைபோல் தெளிவு இலாதேன்

I who have no clarity like the tortoise which bathes in the water without ceasing.

இளைத்து நின்று ஆடுகின்றேன்

I am enjoying this life, being exhausted.

என் செய்வான் தோன்றினேன் (ஏ)

Update 4:

It is said that while preparing Tortoise Soup, the Tortoise will be placed in a large vessel containing water and the fire will be ignited to boil the water. The tortoise in the cold water initially does not feel the danger of its death and will swim and dance in water. When the water started gaining heat, the tortoise will again be happily enjoying the warmness as it will further comfort it. When the water reaches a certain degree of heat, that tortoise sudden feel the pain and before it could realize that it is in danger, it will suddenly die as water will begin to boil in few seconds gap.

Similarly we are in that tortoise condition without really realizing the seriousness of Global Warming.

When mercury raises over 45 degrees, it is intolerable. If it rises to 55 it is impossible to survive. Only people with affordability to Air conditioning will survive. But if unaffordable working class is wiped out, who will produce power for affordable to maintain air conditioners?

Update 5:


@Siva-The Zylus

Yes it is balancing by nature. Good analysis!

Update 6:




Update 7:



why don't you think your grand children will be few among the 500 million survivors!

Update 8:


@Troy S

yes true.

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting info but with due apologies to the learned scientists, I have to say that it is unwise to embark on such prediction based on past trends, extrapolation of current consumption pattern to the expected demand for the enhanced population, present resource levels or even present growth levels of population etc. Because there are a lot of surprises that can be struck:

    - the economist Malthus's theory was belied by the totally unexpected trends in technology developments that made agrl production / animal products prodn / fisheries prodn (the Green / white / blue revolutions - referred as Rainbow Revoln)etc to reach new heights even in developing countries like India, who could reach self sufficiency. Qn may arise if the trend could continue in the present event of seeming to have ''reached a plateau in production'', coupled by increasing population etc - My reply is: yes, it can:

    - the present gap between the potential levels of productivity of major cultivars and the actual productivity realized now is so wide that a breakthrough would be highly probable (not JUST possible, quite realizable). Only thing is the govt are caught up in an infatuation with industries and service sectors that seem to earn more profit.. So govt deliberately neglect the agrl sector. When things threaten to get acute, they would be forced to put their attention to bridge the gap between the potential and actual levels which would nearly solve the crisis. (issues of land and water are also manageable but for sake of space constraint, I limit to some points only)!

    - the fossil energy consumption levels would be forced to be cut over time, due to compulsions of pollution and consequent health hazards (not necessarily from Warming phenomenon alone) etc due to greater exploitation of alternate sources of renewable energy sources. you may recall that when there was fuel crisis about 25 years ago, govts frantically sanctioned schemes for tapping alternate sources, but once the fuel crisis was resolved, they reverted to fossil fuels due to the powerful lobby of the oil companies and the attention on alternate sources were diluted!!

    Of course, the series of natural calamities, man made murders and state sponsored genocides etc do threaten to reduce population, besides new viral diseases defying treatments. But mankind would survive all these for sure.

    This theory of preservation of humans species would appear to be bold, illogical surmise, but anyone who had studied the past carefully and the strange checks and balances in operation in nature would understand. When wars and epidemics like malaria, cholera, typhoid, etc used to kill people in massive scales, didn't we get the marvelous institutions and medical discoveries to out do the menace of destruction?

    A shattered Japan afte war, regained with full energy in no time. An isolated China had become the great rising power. The powerful Germany and later USSR that threatened world peace were humbled.. Sorry, a US that poked its nose into every other country on some pretext is now struggling to stabilise itself. If you like, call these random events. But they are not..!!

    Nature that revealed the technology for greater crop yields to feed the people, that revealed the vaccines to save people from deadly diseases, that humbled great powers and helped vanquished and isolated groups to rise up, over time... the same nature would still help the world to protect the human species!!

    If rationalists do not understand this phenomenon, because their labs are not equipped enough to explore the mega mystery of the complex interrelationships in play in nature, it is their own limitation. But great mystery of nature rocks !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    POpulation growth is something that Doomsday fanatics have been talking about for years. It was once believed that the Human population could not exceed 4 billion because there wouldn't be enough space on Earth for everyone to live and still be able to eat or even breath. Currently the population is around the 6 billion mark and I for one can still breath and there's still food. In fact there's feilds that are being left fallow for the next year or two so a higher quality of food can be produced. We as a spiecis have the ability to think and plan for future events. No other animal has that ability or at least to the extent that we have. A squirle for example isn't storing nuts because it knows winter is coming and has to make sure it has enough for the whole winter, like a nut a day. It stores food because it's programed into it's DNA and instincts.

    I've recently read reports, not by a single "scientist" but ones that were published by a large group that actually really researched the situation and came up with the model that if we DO NOT improve our current food, housing and basic scientific understanding, that the Human population can reach about 12 billion before we reach serious problems. So it takes us about 10 years to grow by a billion and that's not counting the fact that the world population is rather top heavy meaning that there are alot more old people than young ones.

    Honestly there will be problems that pop up, no one will see them coming and they will be eventually delt with. We will continue to grow as a people and our population will grow as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is true and only common sense.

    It is impossible to have infinite population growth with finite resources in a closed environment.

    We have been able to continue expanding our population in the past due to technology. However, even with technology, there is a finite limit to the number of organisms that can live in a closed environment.

    Recently, the discovery of oil has been the resource that has enabled our population to explode. The world economy is essentially the process of converting fossil fuels into food. Think about it. Oil drives the machines that plant and harvest and transport food. Fertilizer is derived from oil products.

    Once the oil goes, the population goes.

    The only possible way for humanity to continue increasing population is if we were to expand to other planets. That's not going to happen without a united humanity. Unfortunately, as oil begins to dwindle, rather than humanity uniting, it will divide as nations go to war for the last remaining remnants of oil supplies.

    Eventually, the human population will crash once the age of oil comes to a close. That should bring the population of humanity back to historical levels of around 200 million people. This assumes we don't fight a catastrophic nuclear war over the dwindling oil supplies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This answer might be crude but it is one of the possible solutions.

    If we develop cancer we that is abnormal growth of human cell we have to cut that out. Same thing with nature. When there is an ecological imbalance nature will automatically correct it. For example rats feed upon grains when the rat population increases. the god introduced snakes to control it. So when snake's count increases. Vultures feed upon it. This is just an example. In the history if we see lots of calamities are witnessed. These are shock treatment to human to act without greed and selfishness.To reduce imbalance, the nature's tolerable limit exceeds it gives away these calamities the actual cause being man made. These calamities creates a fear in the affected man, however when the time passes, he forgets the past and once again greed creeps in. This is cyclical. Greed co-brother Hatred creates intolerance within people what they do is fighting. Fighting can among countries in the form of war, riots within the country among two different sets of people. Violence by a set of people on the ruler of the country(Govt in the current scenario). By which the people kill themselves.

    I am using this example not to show these are right but to exhibit that nature corrects itself. These calamities creates damage to reduce the rising population, in the planet which is infested with human beings. By damages people have to build from the scratch of the resources lost into calamities. History has seen many big big empire's fall by natural and man-made calamities. These empires goes below the sand and natural vegetation comes upon it may be. Archeologist dig upon it. However in the current scenario it goes un controllable limit. Only time will tell whether humans will survive or not.

    Source(s): Personal
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is a strong possibility, looking at the way Mankind has used the earth's resources, polluted the environment, created wars everywhere, and built up many nations' nuclear weapons. Man is by nature aggressive, arrogant, stubborn, stupid and territorial -- so the chances of one day going out for all-out wars to destroy one another, are strong. Unless there come Aliens more powerful than us, to bring order to human beings -- to destroy all the powerful weapons on Earth and to bring about a quick racial harmony.

  • 1 decade ago


    I thought our end time was much sooner

    800 FEMA Camps in the US that will cater for the 20 million or so who are expected to survive until 2012

    After that time it is you Reptilians who will rule the roost For a time and then what ?

    I wouldn't change places with you

    Usually with an answer such as this the "Three Truths" tend to make an appearance

    My recording equipment suffers no mental illness I can assure you lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Mother nature is so unpredictable!

    What can we do?

    Lets try our best to survive in this world as long as we can.

    But I'd say without technologies?

    Read thru medieval history...they lived much much more better than we, now.

    I agree that we can't "afford" a life without the help of computer or mobile phones.

    But what we could do to stop global warming?

  • 1 decade ago

    Excellent! I shall inform Vorgoth High Command that the invasion is unnecessary. Our colonists will now wait a hundred years before landing. The arachnid troopers can be put to better use conquering Ekos IV.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nobody knows if we will extinct in the next 100 years. Only God will decide our fate, he might let us live for another 20 years or 1000 years but we will not know the exact time until it happens.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can take it to the bank! It's fact.

    The only thing I saw that didn't look right was today's population. I believe it is much closer to 9 billion.

    Do a search on exponential growth of the human population. I'm too tired to give you a full answer. You will get all the answers you need once you understand exponential growth. We are past sustainable numbers already. Using resources too quickly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, guess I'll see a lot of interesting things within the next few decades. We shall all be reincarnated either way. I will have become a dolphin whale. Yes, that combination.

    Reincarnation shall continue on other planets, as long as eternity has and always will throughout the infinite universe.

    Source(s): Been there, done that, just like we all have and forevermore. Amen brothers and sisters.
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