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I am a senior citizen who was active in YA for some time a few years ago. i came back for a brief time to spend time with people sharing ideas on contemporary issues particularly of those of consequence to collective welfare of humanity. I thank you all for the nice time given talking to you sharing ideas.

  • What did Lord Jesus convey by 'Ask and it shall be given..' beyond its literal meaning?

    Elsewhere Jesus recalls how the God gave beautiful wings to the short lived insects like butterflies and asks if he would not take better care of a superior creation like man? God has given the plants to feed our hunger, provide shelter and clothing, animals to serve as beasts of burden and transports. What is it we need to ask of Him after all? He knows and gives everything we need, unasked. He has also given us the wisdom to invent gadgets to serve our ever increasing newer needs for health, social growth etc!

    So there is bound to be more meaning to this statement of 'Ask, it shall be given..' beyond its literal import. What is that message? Could you share with me please?

    Apart from Xians, friends from other Faiths who have equal keenness and reverence for other holy scriptures, can also share their perceptions.

    Thanks for sparing your times to clarify me.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • In the epic Ramayan, some call Prince Vibeeshan as 'traitor'! what is your view?

    Contrary to the Hindu belief that Vibeeshan is a great soul, few people who simply look at the epic in secular context blame Vibeeshan as 'traitor' because he joined Sri Ram, the sworn enemy of the King and his brother Ravan.

    At this rate, Princess Meera who gave up her family and husband and joined the Sadhus who were singing of Krishna, the Prince Prahlad who disobeyed his father Emperor Hiranya Kasyap and worshiped Sri Hari, the St Parasu Ram who killed his Mom in obedience to his father's orders, Sri Ram exiled his Queen for the sake of his subject who blamed her acceptance by Sri Ram... All these were also at serious fault if looked at purely in secular contexts!

    In other Faiths also this conflict of righteousness are seen. Lord Jesus was criticised for accepting a woman of loose morals as a follower. Prophet Md - may peace be with him - had more than four wives stipulated in the holy scriptures. Prince Gautham turned the Budha deserted his young wife and child in order to pursue penance and never returned to family. There were special reasons beyond seeming conflicts and the holy ones were not to blame.

    In a more secular domain, people like Gandhiji and many freedom fighters neglected their families in order to serve the national interests.So how best would you term the characterisation of Vibeeshan as not a traitor or would still go with the antagonists? Do share your critical perceptions.

    10 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Would Rahul take over from Dr Singh at least in the next term, if the party manages to form Govt again 2014?

    Dr Singh's days of fame seems to have faded and rising inflation, unemployment, acute all round price rise of essentials etc have disillusioned people about the capacity of Dr Singh to manage the economy. The propaganda about the blatant pro corporate policies of the UPA under Dr Singh had further cast suspicions about his party's Aam Aadmi interests. Recurrent terrorism, scams and weak foreign policies etc had eroded the trust of critics in the govt under his leadership. Dual leadership is also being openly discussed as the reason for his inability to achieve any tangible good. His party men including the spokespersons close to party leadership, harp on Rahul as the perfect alternative to induct energy and dynamism in the team.

    Would Sri Rahul take over well in time to redeem the party from the chaos? Would there be any advance indication before general elections, to lend hope of better leadership in the UPA? What is your surmise about the prospects of Rahul taking over and proving a better leader at the top? Do share your considered opinions.

    4 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Just like Indiraji suffered praise and blame together, Modi is one of her kind now. What is your view about?

    his future, in his party, his State and the national levels.

    Ms Indiraji suffered praise for her bold acts like nationalisation of banks, abolition of privy purse to erstwhile Princes.. etc. But she was also accused of being autocratic, encouraging sycophants, suspecting senior colleagues in party whom she ignored, besides doing away with internal democracy in party etc. Her call for ''committed judiciary'' etc also drew strong protests across the country from stalwarts, both political and otherwise.

    Modi is also the one of her kind who finds UPA members out to tarnish his image in spite of his being acquitted of connivance of any communal violence. New witnesses from top police officers etc starting to speak after years of silence to have him implicated somehow in the post godhra carnage. The media also joined the chorus of political adversaries to the extent that he was denied Visa to visit US to attend a conference he was invited to, once. But there are peopel in and out of his party who praise him for his clean Govt and growth performance.

    There are aspirants for top post in his own party who are not comfortable with the support wave for him from within the party, but he seems to weather out these and stay on firm with support of greater number of seniors standing by his side. Leave alone Nitish and Advani, who may have good reasons for their reservations to keep him in front line of NDA. What in your perception are the probable prospect of his achieving in elections at national level, just as he managed in his own State? After all, he had his performance known to state people but other State citizens know more about the vituperative campaigns against him, rather than his worth as the team leader for Growth and social justice. Now over to you please.

    Thnx for your times.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • who among the three women CMs is the best in administration?

    Sheila Mamata and Jaya are the present three women CMs each with their own unique qualities rule the State/ UT.

    Ms Sheila is known for her cool nature, clean admin and growth performance etc though she did face some complaints of favouritism during the Asian Games; people would believe that her officials should have overstepped her due to pressures from top party dignitaries rather than acted under CM's orders. Again the violence against women etc for which the city is notorious for is a bane for which also she would not be responsible as the city police are not under her Govt control but administered directly by Central govt. So let us take her other achievements for scoring.

    Mamata is a simple but aggressive woman known for her support of the poor, the farmers etc Her irritable temperament and hasty actions are a great minus points that could cloud her good performance otherwise!

    Jaya had matured over her earlier terms in office and determined to give a clean dynamic govt. She takes all out efforts to set right the acute shortages of Power, clean up public distribution, streamline law and order etc Her drive against land grabbers with political clout, gained her a praise from all. She is not hesitant to shuffle top brass in depts or her own ministerial colleagues for lax performance. She reportedly is working over time to achieve significant progress in all fronts. She is also very intolerant to the opponents particularly the DMK, the MDMK the PMK etc who are busy attending court cases for street violence to hate speeches! A good dose of vengeance can not be ruled out but the cases framed are strong (which would have been ignored if they had not antagonised her..)

    Now with what you know from media news, besides what I had shared from my side, what is your estimate of the three women in overall goodness? Do share your scores out of 10 for each, with probable reasons for the -/+ over the others

    At a time when women quota in legislative / administrative posts is being talked for years, an assessment of these great women who managed to reach the top post in the States would be appropriate.

    Thanks for your time.

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • How do you look at the Russion dealing of Snowden's case?

    Mr Putin called US a friendly nation, cleverly prevented Snowden from seeking shelter in his country by imposing a condition that he could not comply and also allowed him to escape to a safe asylum! may be there were sufficient procedural excuses not to comply with US plea for arrest of a wanted criminal and extradition, but no big power is less cunning in espionage in order to retain their supremacy and security (since they have adversaries and terrorists lurking in various countries wishing them harm).

    Well. How do you look at this strategy of Russia to defuse the affair without appearing to disfavour any side?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Would we have any Indian deposit in Swiss banks by the time Govt decides to ACT to bring them ?

    According to news, the deposits by Indians in the tax havens in Swiss had greatly reduced already. Then why are Mr Chidambaram and Dr Clean waiting to ACT to bring what little booties are still left by our men there? Would there be anything left by the time Govt acts on its pretty old promise (on election eve..)?!

    Please share your views.

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What is the reason for the increasing conflicts and intolerance among people and groups?

    Is it the fault of secular education bereft of value education? Is it the greed and envy pervading the society in nearly all spheres, from trade, industry, services.. to even once-respected spheres like Education and Sports?

    Do share your perceptions

    5 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Would 2G scam, Adarsh society scam, S band scam.. etc would fade into history like Bofors scandal?

    The later scams like the Coalgate had pushed the older scams to the background. We once in a way hear about Kalmadi's charge sheets being filed after so much time, but nothing about the pursuit of Raja's or Dayanidhi's scandals or about the S band issue etc. Govt is busy enacting more laws by Ordinance route to woo the public who do not know about the complex high profile frauds.. More are feared to be added with the attempts to double oil and gas prices to benefit corporates who are to foot the costly election expenses of the national party who has to go to polls next year.

    So shall we hope that the array of scandals would die their natural death like the Bofors, Bhopal tragedy heroes (who were let out for obvious gains by the rulers) etc? The opposition is highly divided and weak and the INC is adept in all unfair measures to corner and cow down the opponents - if necessary with CBI or whatever - as well! If the next term is also won by UPA, we could hope for a wipe out of corruption cases and corruption made more professional (not able to be detected). This is the fear by shrewd onlookers.

    what is your take on this probability? Do think aloud about the probabilities as plausibly as you can make of them. Thanks for your time.

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Is the Centre serious about checking Maoist / naxal menace across the country?

    The anti terror squad and National Security teams visit spots after a terror attack and the PM gives a statement of 'zero tolerance' to terrorism, sympathy to victims and the HM calls on the States to take economic measures in the area to check maoist spread and keep close watch on the bullies.. etc! The Defense minister would say 'military won't be used against terror folk' and the print media would carry articles from ex police chiefs or investigation chiefs, while the electronic media would interview some dignitaries /.party leaders / Activists to fill their programmes with 'latest' spice of thrill!

    We don't seem to see any serious and radical step from the Centre or the State govts, going by the repeat of attacks and losses of precious lives of security men, public and some times a few leaders! What is your feeling or view about this menace and the way it is 'addressed' by the Govts?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How do you look at the NLC workers striking work against Court orders to await the negotiation results?

    It has become frequent for organised institutions, whether Govt or non govt, corporates or labour unions to disobey court orders these days! A Karnataka Govt refuses to implement court orders, a labour union conglomerate as in NLC refuses to obey court orders? Where would this lead to, if people use their man power to scuttle public life against court orders, like in NLC whose strike is sure to disrupt power supply to the already power starved state of Tamilnadu in particular and the whole of South India whom the NLC supplies power to some extent?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Did you read the criticism of the Food Security Bill / ordinance rushed by Govt of India? What is your take..?

    on Govt argument and the criticisms of the opposition / Activists / non political experts?

    6 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What is the diving line between Rights and Responsibilities / Restraints in public life?

    We saw the rise of freedom and liberty with the movements against colonialism, despotism, apartheid etc whose eventual success triggered swift spread of liberal views beyond our expected limits and reaching out - not just to the deprived, the exploited sections, but - to all sections of people who were /are not subject of any discrimination or deprivations too, to assert uncontrolled freedom - breaking away from the past era of 'discipline' totally!

    School children carrying weapons, flaunting terror acts as bravery and adult material as entertainment.. in films, journals.. websites (clandestinely in the early days and later liberally in all

    possible ways).. The rise of violence against children and women, particularly outraging their modesty are often traced to the lack of control over crossing of limits of natural restraint to protect the honour of other members of society...

    If any institution or thinker spoke of ethical training in schools and colleges (not religious education) or control of media or suggest sober dress code for the vulnerable sections, the liberal outfits rush to streets crying foul and charging the well meaning administration of 'moral policing' or whatever! While archaic punishments like lashing convicts by whips continue in some parts of the world, the ultra liberal outfits rule the more liberal societies, fueling more crimes to torment society in effect due to overdose of freedom. The increase in crimes against children and women are sure signes of a society journeying to the uncivilised Eras fast according to shrewd thinkers..

    I may not be understood the way I tried to put my perceptions, but what is your take on this trend anyway? Please share your considered views in as civil and cool headed way as possible! Thank you for your times!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • An industry major based in Mumbai that collected deposits from investors had not paid the interest.. read on?

    Many people invested their savings since they offered 11% p.a. while most banks were giving only <10% p.a. The concerned section at the Mumbai office does not answer queries about when exactly they would be disbursing the interest.

    Some friends who had proposed for pre closure had not also got either the amount or even a reply for the delay! Whom should the aggrieved people approach for remedy - RBI, SEBI or who else has control over private companies collecting fixed deposits?

    Please advise.

    please advise.

    2 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Question about RTI rules on eliciting info from police dept. Do you know the answer?

    I asked a lawyer friend if a RTI petition can be filed with COP to elicit info about the number of accidents from LPG cylinder bursts during the past calendar year / financial year in his official territory. He said court verdict would be required to ask such details. I doubt if such provision exists or made thereafter as an amendment or as executive orders (under probable powers given to Govt under the Act).

    Can someone conversant with the rules in Tamilnadu share the correct position?

    Thanks for your time.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How do you look at the Bill to protect the whistle blowers being moved in Indian Parliament?

    The protection to the people who divulge critical info about crimes of extremists and top brass in govt is indeed a salutary measure.

    We have had many good Acts and Laws that gave us the Consumer Redressal Forums, the RTI commissions, etc enabling people to access justice, demand transparency etc in the past. In this line, the current effort also shall be a milestone. Particularly in view of increasing terror and militant activity across the country, high level corruptions etc, a law of this nature would be highly useful.

    But it is onething to have salutary institutions and quite another to have them function the way intended in law. Experience has shown how an Election Commision can greatly control the malpractices in elections or how even highest judiciary can be brought under RTI provisions etc. But the funcitoning of some autonomous police bodies have not been enjoying high credibility in recent years!

    Also we see how a judge himself under charges of some wrong, sits in judgement over the alleged wrong of a state police! Or another chief judge of a state under allegations of corrupt practices refuses to lay down office and the apex court is unable to persuade him to come clean first before sitting in a solemn post!

    Any salutary action sans the grit to have it perform the intended function, free from political or other interference, is not going to be useful and shall remain more as ornamental or as a blemish over time!

    So how elated you are about this great Bill? Or, despite all the vagaries of political interests interfering with statutory bodies, you still hope that a Bill of this nature may still hold some hope, if a person of the grit of a Seshan happens to adorn it? Or when a more conscientious govt comes to power? or things like that!

    After all hope is life. Share with us friends, something good, something to be warned against, to temper our great hopes, so we may get posted with the pros and cons of the Bill when it becomes an Act, with all the great promises we read about its contents in papers !

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • what is your view on the Indian Solicitor General's advice that Indian magistrate can testify in Pak court?


    '26/11 case magistrate, cop free to depose in Pak trial'

    Solicitor General (SG) Gopal Subramanium has told the Government that there is no legal bar on an Indian magistrate testifying in foreign judicial proceedings.

    The Pakistan government recently wrote to the Indian government, stating that Mahale and Wagule be sent to depose before a Pakistan court.

    The FIA request says that these persons need to be examined in the trial of seven accused, including Lashkar operations commander Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, being conducted in Adiala jail in Rawalpindi.

    The legal point given by SG should be ok, being an authority in legal field. But diplomatically, when the Pak hesitated to send their ISI chief for discussion with Indian officials, should India concede with Pak request just in the guise of Mumbai episode, since they gave scant regard to the Indian dossiers on the case in the past. They are more likely to dismiss the witnesses also on some grounds by probably putting Qs beyond the scope of their knowledges (ultimately deeming them as insufficient to finalise) !

    Secondly, is there precedence of such deposition of officials of one country in another - particularly an unfriendly country that criticises even the top most bureacrats! After all in the case of Hadley, even a criminal was not easily allowed to be questioned by our officials, by a friendly country like the US! Should there be no alternative to deny or alter the Pak request ?

    What are your views please? People conversant with broad inter-national legal practices may particularly share critical views.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What is your view on the Sports Minister's statement about CWG scams?

    yahoo news (sic): PTI

    Sports Minister M S Gill today promised to take "prompt and appropriate" against corruption cases in the Commonwealth Games and said all deals related to the sporting extravangza should be be tabled in Parliament.


    What was the Honble Minister doing till people started complaining about the corruption and chaos in CWG arrangements?

    If he was not keeping track of the progress and quality of works under such a major event entrusted to his ministry, what else was he there for?

    Do you think the Congress Govt has become a body of corrupt people with no sense of shame for committing such glaring scams, one after the other? The sugar export / wheat import / historic Spectrum 2G / CWG...!!!

    The Congress members in Bihar and Karnataka seige the Assemblies for alleged corruptions of sorts by ruling opposition camps, but its leaders at the Centre are totally blind to the loots going on right under their nose in their own Ministries (probably with connivance of their own men). What a shame !!

    Should a person of Dr Manmohan's calibre and integrity continue to head such an indisciplined, corrupt party at the Centre?

    Please share your views.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Tamilians: How do you feel about the periodical CM office news about letters sent to PM on critical matters?

    Whether it is the Fishermen being shot at in the Indian waters by Sri Lankan navy or the Cauvery issue or the Fuel price rise or resettlement of Sri lankan Tamils - whatever is being raised by the opposition and Activists - are immediately taken to the notice of PM by a letter from CM, as if the PM is not reading news!!

    Do the letters have any value if a busy PMO is flooded daily with letters on long standing issues of states? Is the govt really serious to solve people's issues without passing the buck to the Centre like this? None of the major and critical issues of the people have been solved by the govt.

    The govts only want to side track attention of people from major issues with talks of Reservations, ethnic issues like language promotion, erection of statues or naming of bus stands etc, rather than solve the issues impacting the livelihood of large communities like the fishermen or the farmers depending on river flow from neighbouring states!!

    How do you feel about this cruel joke being played with pretence of seriousness repeatedly??

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • The irony of the Era of Transparency: what do you think of increasing exposures of corruption in govt..?

    We are in the Era of Transparency. You can get any info from Govt under the RTI. You have got Consumer Forums to sue the defaulters in trade and services. You have the ombudsman of sorts to question high level institutional authority. You have Grienvance Cells in every dept to address public complaints, Vigilance depts whom you can directly reach with your complaints.. ever so many avenues that did not exist in those olden days.. but is the situation any better for the citizen?

    The Central govt simply keeps quiet against vibrant commotion against a thousands crore fraud in a Ministry. Not even an Enquiry Commission is appointed.

    A state's CM starts a PS organisation (State Cable Network) from govt funds on promise of providing cheap and efficient services to the viewing public and simply keeps it defunct without any tangible reason to give to the people. No accountability shown by govt and no question asked - either by the sycophant media or the major opposition or the intelligentsia!!

    Constitutional bodies play to the tunes of the rulers, like the CBI, intimidating the oppsition to vote in favour of Govt in confidence vote or a Cut motion!! Media just make fun as if it was an inconsequential event!!

    A prime accused in top level scandal is allowed to escape and his forzen booties released without express permission of the courts!!

    What is all the use of Transparency and Autonomous institutional supports to support public causes, if the rulers can openly violate all norms of ethics and lawful behaviour in public life? Are laws and institutions only as strong as the people's vigilance and will to assert their rights?

    What are your thoughts about emerging trend of criminality and gross breach of ethics in public life, despite all the institutional supports provided to people?

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago