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Lv 6

In the epic Ramayan, some call Prince Vibeeshan as 'traitor'! what is your view?

Contrary to the Hindu belief that Vibeeshan is a great soul, few people who simply look at the epic in secular context blame Vibeeshan as 'traitor' because he joined Sri Ram, the sworn enemy of the King and his brother Ravan.

At this rate, Princess Meera who gave up her family and husband and joined the Sadhus who were singing of Krishna, the Prince Prahlad who disobeyed his father Emperor Hiranya Kasyap and worshiped Sri Hari, the St Parasu Ram who killed his Mom in obedience to his father's orders, Sri Ram exiled his Queen for the sake of his subject who blamed her acceptance by Sri Ram... All these were also at serious fault if looked at purely in secular contexts!

In other Faiths also this conflict of righteousness are seen. Lord Jesus was criticised for accepting a woman of loose morals as a follower. Prophet Md - may peace be with him - had more than four wives stipulated in the holy scriptures. Prince Gautham turned the Budha deserted his young wife and child in order to pursue penance and never returned to family. There were special reasons beyond seeming conflicts and the holy ones were not to blame.

In a more secular domain, people like Gandhiji and many freedom fighters neglected their families in order to serve the national interests.So how best would you term the characterisation of Vibeeshan as not a traitor or would still go with the antagonists? Do share your critical perceptions.


Sathya I am a simple fellow and not so great to give counsel to fellows of my kind. But you can make any querry not related to the post thru my profile mail route in future. I do not have FB or Twitter account. I once breifly loitered there in response to pressuers from pals but came away closing my acconts. You may write to my mail box thru profile page. I would respond to you surely.

A very nice response from Amith which I would know as a follower of Hindu thought. But I am asking for a logical response to genuinely doubting people (not the antagonist of my Faith) from secular argument. Please try this way.

Swamy sir, people do not interpret in differet ways, really there are too many inferences we can draw from the great Epic. Is not a purely secular Epic like Mahabharath describing the feuds between kingdoms, called as Panchamo Vedaha (the 5th Veda)? Because too many messages of Dharma are there. Even the Vedas lend themselves to differential perceptions, wherefore we have the ma

Update 2:


wherefore we have the major three Acharyas representing Dwaita, Visishta Advaita and Advaita drawing excerpts from the same Vedic passages to support their arguments! Esoteric wisdom is like Himalayas, which gives multiple panoramic views of its majesty from different angles and all are TRUE as well!

Update 3:

Indian National sir, nice illustration and well explained. I do not give credence to the Aryan theory whose myth has been busted long ago but the hate campaign against some groups continue by vested interests! That Prince Vibeeshan rose against injustice purely on principles is one valid point. The other side is more relevent: he wanted the Dhanava community to be saved from the wrath of the righteous powerful divine Prince Raam - including the vain King Ravan if possible! But his counsel didn't receive the least attention due to the Moha of the king with the wife of Sri Ram and his own exalted Ego! Dharma is no abstract principle but divine energy which could save the righteous and annihilate the deviant with his roots, over time!

Thanks for the response every one!

Update 4:

brother Brahmanand, that the devotees of Sri Ram do not doubt the veracity of Prince Vibeeshan seeking refuge of Prince Ram is well known and they also care a damn for all the derisive comments of the anti Hindus is also no secret. The point of this post is to help some devotees who wish to give a clarification to genuine doubts of some ignorant people! See Indian National got the point and gave a nice illustration from our own recent history. Vibeeshan didn't want to ditch his brother with any evil motive. He was humble and simple and wished well to all. In fact his daughter consoled Sita in the captivity of the demonic sentinels! The whole family was pious and it would be unjust to attribute evil motive like treachery to Vibeeshan even in secular view! Hope you get my point.

Update 5:

Jaysingh and the like of him who do not have the perception in which the Asker raised a point, due to their not in the know of nuances of the subject or disinterested in their veracity, should stay away. No body compels them to react. A physician can not answer a point in astral science, nor a teacher of biology react to a critical Q in physics. In religion there are lot of messages of subtle kind and a hoary Faith like Hinduism has ancient stories - call them symbolic or myth as you may - with lot of morals for conflicting contexts faced in human life and transcending the dualities, which are not acceptable to people of other Faiths or so called Rationalists (who are often as irrational and emotional like anybody else). They may not attempt to respond with all grudges. Thank you anyway.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The greatness of Ramayana is that if 100 people read the epic there can be 100 interpretations . One interpretation (not mine ) is that that the Book is an epic of Aryan Dravidian conflict.Vibhishan was the brother of Ravana but he worked for Sriram`s success . Technically he was against his own ruler brother .But Vibhishan was pro Dharma and anti adharma . Vibhishan was righteous . Being righteous does not make one a traitor.

    A CIA employee who leaked secrets is a traitor in USA and he will face trial for treachery and treason.Back home Sarbajit Sigh was tried in Pakistan and was sentenced to death .But he was killed by unofficial methods.

    The definition of patriot /traitor is relative not absolute.

    Religious freedom(secularism) does not mean freedom from religion

  • 8 years ago

    all ignorant souls can call Vibheeshan as traitor. He knew Rama is vishnu and invinsible. Rama could also have defeated Ravan without the aid of Vibheeshan. Rama who destroyed the 7 huge trees with asingle arrow could have destroyed Ravan with his Lanka and all his sons by the same arrow. He could have sent back Hnuman with amessage to sita to come out with hanuman and join him before destroying Lanka.Yet Rama chose to act like a human being who required assistance of vibhishan to detroy Lanka.

    The bhaktas of Narayan do not care as to what the world thinks of them .Meers said "Log Kahe Meera Hogayee banvari I Saans kahe Kul naasi reI Meera kahe prabhu Giridhar naagar ho gai ap hi dasi re."

    Prahlada maintained that every atomic particle in the Universe is Narayan which included Hiranya Kashyap also." "Parashuram unquestioningly obeyed his father to cut off the heads of his mother and brothers but when Father offered aboon he asked that his mother and brothers be brought back to life"

    It is an act of duty obedience and lovbelike of which is not found anywhere else.

    Ram exiled sita because he was not like nehru clan which keeps defending Vadra the cheat.

  • 8 years ago

    Vibhishan had to do what was dharma.The sharangathi that he did lead him to sadgati.Vibhishana was a person who knew that rama was the supreme personality of godhead.In the manu smruti there is two ways to look at things.One is by kumbhakaran by seeing country before him.But vibhishana saw his own ultimate good rather than the temporal benefit of his subjects.So he was a good rajathanthri.Meera had given up her family as she was in such devotional love like Aandal that she wanted to marry krishna right from the beginning.She ended up tmarrying the rajput due to some untoward incidents not speculated or accepted by her.Prince Prahlad could not be a traitor at all as a traitor is someone who betrays his own country.In this case prahlad maharaj just intended to expound the ultimate truth which leads the staunch follower to moksha so that is not betrayal at all.The basic dharma underlying ramas life was firstly presented to the world by the action of parashuramas.People like parashurama are called udharana prurusha(a person who makes his life his message) because of this very same reason.So there is no distortion of their hallowd depiction even through the skeptic perspective.In the case of jesus there was nothing wrong because accepting a perfect person and making him/her the epitome of seekers of god is nothing.So this very thing speaks volumes of the greatness of jesus.In the case of prophet muhamad we have no right to criticize saints under any grounds as we with our imperfect senses aare not even in an ability to know completely about our very own friend then what to speak of him?In buddhas case it showed his vairagya The concept of Vairāgya is found in the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, where it along with practice (abhyāsa), is the key to restraint of the modifications of the mind (YS 1.12, "abhyāsa-vairāgyabhyāṁ tannirodhaḥ"). The term vairāgya appears three times in the Bhagavad Gita (6.35, 13.8, 18.52) where it is recommended as a key means for bringing control to the restless mind. It is also the main topic of Mokṣopāya or Yoga Vasistha.

    Another important text on renunciation is Vairāgya shataka or "100 verses of Renunciation", a part of the Śatakatraya collection by Bhartṛhari.So he was a perfect renunciant.This my very humble opinion i do accept the fact that this may be total nonsese or full with errors but still i do believe from the bottom of my heart that you would remove the errors and only take the pure essence of it.This is just an humble attempt as person trying to answer such a question is like a cat trying to drink the milk ocean.So i need your blessings for more such endeavours.Thank you 10000000 pranams.

    Source(s): I am just 18 years old.
  • 8 years ago

    Your question is too long to read and understand what exactly you wish to know. But as far as Hinduism is concern and charecters of Vibheeshana, Meera, Pralhad are concerned, these 3 individuals have were not happy to stay with negative personalities, so they left Ravana, Husband, Hiranya kashyap.

    They did not left them suddenly. They tried their best to persuade them to give up wrongs and when failed they left.

    Hope you understand this answer. Good individuals leave negative individuals. Do you think it is wrong? If you are in their place, what will you do?

    At last, mythological stories are stories. with contradictions and exaggeration. One has to extract moral lessons and follow that moral lesson, that is it. Otherwise you are in jungle of arguments and doubts and at the end you do not gain any thing-except wastage of time.

    Religious books in many religions, contain that material which can not corroborated easily. .So personally, I keep concern with that material from which I learn positive lessons. I do not bother about that material which is not convincing me.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    yes of course! being a prince of ravan his rights are limited to "advise" ravan about dharma and adharma and he is supposed to follow the king and fight alongwith ravan . otherwise if he opinion is different then he should have kept quiet or get sanyas and slip away from the scene . but he not only joins with enemy and also (kaattikkodutthaar - sorry i can't bring it in english correctly) so he is certainly a traitor ettappanthaan

  • 8 years ago

    Not at all. Vibeeshan found that his brother was doing something bad which is why he supported Ram. Or put it simply he was supporting the right. A traitor is someone who cheats for a bad purpose and you wont call someone a traitor if he is against something bad and is supporting the good. Simply put Vibheeshan was 100000% correct. :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    if a terrorist son desert him and tell his father's plan of bombing a particular area to police while taking risk of his life will you call him a traitor from secular point of view or a brave person?like that vibhison kept righteousness and justice for seeta in first place and desreted his perveted brother for

    sake of justice he was not a traitor and princess Meera nevere considered her materialistic family as family but kept God as first place devoted her whole life for God,see it from her prespective too,prince

    prahlad was just like terrorist's son who chose justice above father,parshuram was very sad after killing her mother and everyone does mistake he did it too,Ram had exiled Sita and it was perdecided it was to show that woman can take lot of pain for husband and Rama performed his duty as king and sita supported her too,jesus accepted mary magdalene as discple but will you say bad people should be deprieved of God,should you just because a man is thief so he should be deprived of all human rights and prophet mohammed and Buddha were not God still whatever md did can be justified as many males died so he saved life of many woman by marrying them was not it a good thing while about freedom fighters even though they mary but when sense of responsiblity came to them how could they enjoy family life when whole nation was suffering,actually you are not seeing things from secular point of view but from negative point of view,if a man wears black spectacles everything look black to him but this dosent mean tha everything is black.

  • 8 years ago


    I don't have an answer for your question,but yet im writing & the reason is that i want to be in touch with you if u please could tell me your facebook accound


    your way of answering impressing me

    also im having some problems

    n i think u may solve with ur counsel plz be in touch with me

    my fb is

    also Sir plz let me know yours

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The perception of traitor or not bases on your view point.

    Ravan's Lanka can be compared with Hitler's Nazi Germany, both extremely powerful and rich and have very good Generals. Yet both of them violated human right or went against Dharma. So in this case it was the legal Government who went against Dharma.

    In Hitler's Nazi Germany, many Germans could not approve war, Holocaust, mass execution. So then some of them went against Hitler and revolted. Like Sophie Scholl and her brothers and few friends, Erwin Rommel(Himself was a distinguished Military General, perhaps best General in WW2), Von Stauffenberg(A colonel of Wehrmacht) they revolted were punished.

    From Nazi perspective which is against Dharma they were traitors because they hampered German war machine, but from Humanitarian perspective they did well.

    In Nazi Germany when people were brainwashed by Nazi propaganda machine then very few people still held good will. Same in Ravan's lanka Bivishon held the good will.

    So all though German resistance leaders were portrayed as traitor, when Germans finally got rid off from Nazi doctrine they understood what leaders did was good.

    Those who say Vibeeshan as traitor they must be against Aryan and pro-Non Aryan or ultra- Southern people from South india.

    I hope you understand.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    very confusing thing lookup on to google or bing that can help

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