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Gay Scientists Have Isolated the Christian Gene! See it here now!?

After years of trying to find out what makes people Christian gay scientists have worked long and hard to isolate the Christian Gene. This website shows all:

No longer will Christians be considered abnormal or unnatural. There is now a reason ... and this proves that it is NOT a choice but a natural human evolution! You no longer have to shun your Christian Friends ... they are normal. I'm not a fan of their Christian Pride Parades but that's just me and I'm working on acceptance. I still pray for them but at least now I know they don't have a choice ... they are definitely BORN that way.

Does this earn a star? :-) please?


Hi Joe C ... sorry you didn't like it. I thought it was humorous & at the same time rewarding since it's usually turned the other way around on us. Just wanted to give a FYI ... there are over 450 documented species of animals who have some segment of gay beings in their ranks. Imagine my surprise when they announced gay puffins in one of the major zoos. I was thinking SF but I think it was San Diego. And people are BORN gay ... why would anyone CHOOSE it! Be Real. "How bout a life of prejudice and being a 2nd class citizen and maybe an occasional basher beating on a Saturday night but you might get aids or syphilis as a bonus?" Sounds good eh? But we make the best of it & have a gay old time despite the hateful Christians. Gayness as a birth "defect" was substantiated by the American Psych Assn back in 1967, so it truly is something that a very privileged and rare 10% get to share. Many str8's are jealous b/c they can only pretend but for us it's real. Ad major Dei Gloriam!

Update 2:

ambientD: I was going to put this in R&S and then I figured they would probably report me. But I'm still thinking of it. Can I be so mean? Will they have me cited to death with violations up the ...?

Update 3:

Edit: MSGR ... sorry but the Quran doesn't qualify as the Bible. And the Bible does NOT condemn homosexuality(6x) as much as it condemns hetero sex(166x), probably b/c of the diseases associated with pre-marital sex. Homosexuality was declared a sin at the Council of Trent in 1200 BY MAN ... NOT by God. God just wants us to all get along ... and that is WHY GOD SAYS "Thou shalt not JUDGE lest YE be judged" as witnessed by His word in Matt7:1-5.

And if you want to pull the Leviticus card that was only valid in the OT. Back then they needed as much population as they could get but Jesus taught everyone to just get over all the BS and just love one another.

I can understand God condemning a lustful gay affair JUST AS HE CONDEMNS the same in the hetero world but LOVING couples are different. And yes, there are some very loving GAY couples that have been around a LOT longer than most hetero marriages (divorce rates eclipse the 50% mark).

This was posted in fun, not looking 4 HATE

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I love you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm very happy I didn't get the Xian gene. But why can't I continue to shun Xian acquaintances?

  • 1 decade ago

    Very interesting! Finally I can accept my Christian child.

    Source(s): an old devil
  • Green
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Now we just got to get every gay person to realize there is no god.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ya, thats hilarious :P

    i like how some people are seriously all upset over it like it wasnt a joke.

  • 1 decade ago

    ITS GOING TO RUIN THE GAY VALUE SYSTEM. we need to out law it the world will end IIIII We will see Pestilance Floods and Tacky Walmart Clothing everywhere. It will be the end of Good coffee, Good Clothing, Anything nice and trendy

    We will be driving Pintos to Walmart. Pretty well the end of Gay civalized culture. A WORLD OF GRAY !!!!!!!!!!!!


  • cerol3
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This has truly made my day. Very funny.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Starred for you, lmao

  • 1 decade ago

    You got me to laugh out loud -- and I gave you a star!

    Thanks for the humor -- definitely appreciated today!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    love the irony :p

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