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dartagnon p

Favorite Answers21%

You do not want to know me. I am a seeker. Always looking. Butting into things from which I should be hiding. I'm an Aries so I'm a tad arrogant but I've been working to calm that down and I try to be understanding of other people's positions, passions & views. I believe that we project thoughts of what we want our life to be and in turn the Universe "makes-it-real" for us so beware what u think & watch the spoken word. It can bite if u let it. You cannot surprise me anymore ... I've seen & heard it all. I like intellectual people who don't abuse the fact, and I enjoy a good conversation or a challenging game of chess. I think "out of the box" thanx to a Jesuit education & most people don't understand me. I like precision and my motto is "Perfection Needs no Correction". I have an R-1 motorcycle & love to cruise at 120- 140. I'm an Empath & know your thoughts so don't even try to outguess me. I enjoy meeting new intellectuals and love it when people surpass me in anything. ?2012?

  • Contractors get penalized 4 tardiness. What happens when Congress can't complete their budget? Penalties?

    Most contractors receive stiff penalties when they do not deliver on a contract on time.

    But what happens when Congress can't do their job of passing a budget? Do they lose their pay raise that year or get a fine like a tardy baseball player? And why are we paying them if they can't pass a budget or balance it?

    Kinda like paying some guy to clean your driveway but at the end of the day its no better than when he started. Do you pay HIM?

    Jesse Ventura said it best the other day on the View ... until PEOPLE STOP VOTING for Democrats and Republicans and select the OTHERS .. NOTHING will change!

    But even though they are NOW the Republicrats they STILL can't seem to agree on a budget compromise. How much would we save if we asked Congress NOT to come to work until they can pass a budget! Betcha THAT would get them back to work!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Everyone wants change but they say that voting for a 3rd party (not Repub or Dem)=throwing the vote away, HOW?

    Everyone is upset b/c the govt has NEVER run into the trouble that was caused in previous administrations (not just Bush but Clinton and as far back as Reagan, maybe further) and everyone seems to be in utter chaos. Only b/c they ARE!

    It's obvious that what the Repub's tried to do did not work so why would they want to go back to that and the Democrats seem to be fixing things but not fast enough and they are not doing it completely. Some economists say we need to spend more, others say we have already spent too much. Chaos reigns supreme.

    So ... are there ANY good 3rd parties? I always liked Chuck Baldwin who ran for President in 2008 on the Constitution Party ticket, and believed in going back to the Constitution and the gold-backed dollar, and thinning down the govt ... but then can we trust ANY politician any more? ONE trust issue is that ALL of the members of Congress and the Presidents for the last 75 years are ALL members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) EXCEPT for Senator Ron Paul, Paul's son, and his close friend Chuck Baldwin.

    The trick is to elect someone who is NOT a member of the CFR. If we can get enough NON CFR people in the govt we MIGHT be able to make some sense of everything. But how do we do that?

    Do YOU think we should vote for 3rd Party candidates and if so, who are your faves? WILL YOU be voting for a 3rd Party candidate? Why or Why Not?

    Thanks to all and I NEVER "thumbs down" anyone. PLEASE speak your minds!

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If I'm getting an iPhone is it better to get 3G or 4G and is 4G 8GB OK ?

    I have an Apple $199 gift certificate and I'm told to go for the 4G and my certificate will allow me to get a 16GB model. I can't really afford to dig up another hundred for the 32MB ... what is the difference. I'm told that 4G is better b/c its upgraded and all the bugs are out of the 4G. Others seem to think 3G is OK ... anyone experienced is welcome to comment. I need everyone's help but only those who are in the know, pref with lots of knowledge on the subject.

    Thanks everyone.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Linear Time is about to cease, many claim we will then cease to age, Wont we continue 2 age chemically?

    I'm reading a book that proposes that Creation will complete itself in October 2012, and found a website* on it too. In other media I'm hearing that when that happens, Linear Time will cease and the past/present/future will become the NOW. Other sources are saying that when that happens that we will cease to age any more. My question is: Even though we are going to stop aging linearly, won't we still age (oxidize, rust, etc) chemically and continue to die at the same rate as we are currently?

    If this sounds ridiculous to you, and you can only answer with a cynical, boorish, or hateful answer ... please move on. I don't give "thumbs down" but ask that you allow others to have their opinions. Thanks!


    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Will Mars really appear to be the same size as the Moon next month in August?

    I recently received an email that showed how Mars would be the CLOSEST to Earth (in the last 5,000 years) and that it would appear to be the same size as the moon, starting around August 4th.

    Any astronomers out there want to confirm/deny this?

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • So, now that the BP Gulf disaster is"OVER" will BP write that well off & move on or tap it later when settled?

    So, after all this, is BP going to leave that site alone and go elsewhere, hopefully non-Gulf related? How long will the cap hold, and how long will it take for the bolts to rust and break open again? Or will BP wait for the PR problem to expire and then try pulling oil from that site again?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Religiously! When creation is completed in 2011, & linear time ceases, Will technology end?&we no longer age?

    Dang ... I put this in Philosophy and no one could understand it. Hopefully we'll do better in here with the smarter people! (No offense Philosophizers!)

    I just happened to be watching Yu-Gi-Oh 5D this morning and it was posited that when Creation ends, (my edit continues) near the end of next year or October 2012 at the latest, (end edit), Linear time will cease to exist and the past/present/future will become one and as such no one will age any more.

    I'm asking this in two sections since I trust R&S to give me an honest answer but then this also sounds philosophical and if not, I'm sure the philosophers can make it that way!

    The premise was that once this happens people will no longer have the incentive to get things done and technology would cease to progress.

    I'm reading Z. Sitchen's The 12th Planet right now and he shows how there have been times in history when everything STOPS, technologically speaking and then it seems that some alien race gives us the technology to continue and gives us a new "will to discover".

    Then there is the OTHER thing ... at the same time that time ceases mankind will be able to manifest anything into reality, so will this be a clever deviance that will allow mankind to maintain it's desire to create GREAT things using his wild imagination, thus allowing technology to continue on unabated?

    Please think this out fully before answering. No thumbs down from me. Please lets have no Bible quotes as I am well aware of the Biblical implications and I prefer not to have amateur random Bible thoughts thrown into the mix, if that is OK with you. Yes, FREE WILL still rules so do as you must.

    Sources: Check the top of the pyramid and watch the Ian Lungold lecture. First link on the main page under the Chatango box, below the green flashing paragraph ... yeah ... click the red link.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Aquarian Age Experts! Does the Age of Aquarius start 12/12 or in 2100?

    Everyone seems to think that The Age of Aquarius starts in December 21, 2012 but I recently read in Zecharia Sitchen's The 12th Planet that it will start in 2100! OH The Confusion!

    So what is the TRUE beginning of the Aquarian Age? Why can't two books agree on this?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Religiously! When creation is completed in 2011, & linear time ceases, Will technology end?&we no longer age?

    I just happened to be watching Yu-Gi-Oh 5D this morning and it was posited that when Creation ends, (my edit continues) near the end of next year or October 2012 at the latest, (end edit), Linear time will cease to exist and the past/present/future will become one and as such no one will age any more.

    I'm asking this in two sections since I trust R&S to give me an honest answer but then this also sounds philosophical and if not, I'm sure the philosophers can make it that way!

    The premise was that once this happens people will no longer have the incentive to get things done and technology would cease to progress.

    I'm reading Z. Sitchen's The 12th Planet right now and he shows how there have been times in history when everything STOPS, technologically speaking and then it seems that some alien race gives us the technology to continue and gives us a new "will to discover".

    Then there is the OTHER thing ... at the same time that time ceases mankind will be able to manifest anything into reality, so will this be a clever deviance that will allow mankind to maintain it's desire to create GREAT things using his wild imagination, thus allowing technology to continue on unabated?

    Please think this out fully before answering. No thumbs down from me. Please lets have no Bible quotes as I am well aware of the Biblical implications and I prefer not to have amateur random Bible thoughts thrown into the mix, if that is OK with you. Yes, FREE WILL still rules so do as you must.

    Sources: Check the top of the pyramid and watch the Ian Lungold lecture. First link on the main page under the Chattango box, below the green flashing paragraph ... yeah ... click the red link.

    12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Religiously! When creation is completed in 2011, & linear time ceases, Will technology end?&we no longer age?

    I just happened to be watching Yu-Gi-Oh 5D this morning and it was posited that when Creation ends, (my edit continues) near the end of next year or October 2012 at the latest, (end edit), Linear time will cease to exist and the past/present/future will become one and as such no one will age any more.

    The premise was that once this happens people will no longer have the incentive to get things done and technology would cease to progress.

    I'm reading Z. Sitchen's The 12th Planet right now and he shows how there have been times in history when everything STOPS, technologically speaking and then it seems that some alien race gives us the technology to continue and gives us a new "will to discover".

    Then there is the OTHER thing ... at the same time that time ceases mankind will be able to manifest anything into reality, so will this be a clever deviance that will allow mankind to maintain it's desire to create GREAT things using his wild imagination, thus allowing technology to continue on unabated?

    Please think this out fully before answering. No thumbs down from me. Please lets have no Bible quotes as I am well aware of the Biblical implications and I prefer not to have amateur random Bible thoughts thrown into the mix, if that is OK with you. Yes, FREE WILL still rules so do as you must.

    Sources: Check the top of the pyramid and watch the Ian Lungold lecture. First link on the main page under the Chattango box, below the green flashing paragraph ... yeah ... click the red link.

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Will the US Govt step in and REFUSE to let BP drill off the coast of Alaska as is currently planned?

    BP wants to drill TWO MILES DEEP off the coast of Alaska and has proposed dumping a 2 mile high pile of gravel and make their own island in the ocean and then drill "ONSHORE". BP is obviously maneuvering AROUND the Ban on Offshore Drilling. Will the govt let that happen or step in and stop it?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do all the experts CLAIM that we have not seen the end of the BP Gulf Disaster?

    It's only been 24 hours and already the pressure is too low ... the internal well line may have already breached and is ruptured below the surface ... and on and on ... are they trying to say they told us so if they turn into complete failures or are they bracing us for the BIGGEST EVENT EVER?

    AND, if it is building pressure wouldn't it help if they started pumping oil from it. Why not crank out tons of oil and have BP sell it at their domestic gas stations for 99c per gallon to boost moral and PR. As long as there are no more leaks and BP picks up the clean-up-tab, and bribes the nation with 99c/gallon fuel wouldn't that get them off the hook? At least until the next time which might be soon if they get to drill their Alaska well like they want. They have already worked there way around the offshore drilling laws, and this new well will be TWO MILES DEEP. Weren't they having trouble with the Gulf well at 1 mile or was it 2?

    Where is the govt during all of this?

    It's a slow download due to the fact that the page is Gigantic but read all about the BP crises here:

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How many gallons of oil are being burned daily in the Gulf & how is the environment affected?

    This morning the news mentioned that they are burning a great deal of oil daily to "help" keep the Gulf "clean". But how is this affecting the air quality in the area and around the Gulf. Wouldn't this be equivalent to having 10,000 diesel fishing boats earning a living? But instead it is being wasted.

    And then the question is how much pollution is this adding to the atmosphere?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Religiously Speaking ... My premise: Alchemy, Positive-Thinkers, Witchcraft are all the same?Do u agree?

    This just hit me this morning ... yeah, I'm a bit slow. Anyone who has attended one of those MLM lectures at the local auditorium have observed that the FIRST question from the speakers mouth is something like: "What are your dreams ... Imagine them ... Do you have them firmly fixed in your mind? ... Can you see that new car, new home, speedboat, the water skis? ... NOW, imagine you are driving your new car in the mountains near Milano, Italy ... a quick performance check since it will soon be on a boat heading for home. Feel the g-forces in the turns, the wind blowing thru your hair, the smell of leather seats and a polished wooden dash, and the power of a rocket ship ... can you feel the skin on your face pressing back as you accelerate to incredible speeds, far more than ever before?" TWO ... it is necessary to employ extreme emotional need and a physical verbal request, emploring the Universe or some MLM Corp to grant your wishes, needs, and desires. THIRD: Thanking the "Powers" for our opulence and declaring the entire manifestation process concluded either by pulling out your checkbook for the "Intro-Kit" or saying "Amen" ... or "It is Done" ... or as Jean Luc on StarTrek loved to say "Make it so".

    Strangely, or perhaps NOT so strange, is that old alchemical experiments, such as done by Leonardo DaVinci, employed the same 3 points, 1)Create a thought, experiment, or plans of something to introduce into Reality. 2) Imagine in one's mind the actual use of such an item and the personal employment of same. 3) KNOW that it is now existing in reality and thank the Powers for granting your request.

    Even the Bible goes into depth when Jesus remarks "Ask in My Name and it shall be given you".

    I might venture further and suggest that even the Wicca, or Pagans, or Sumerians, or Christians, or Modern Day Positive Thinkers like that Tony guy, ALL employ the same three points. If we were to look into the Masonic directives, secrets of the Skulls, beliefs of the Rosicrucians, we will most surely find the same principles of manifestation.

    Sources: 1/2 way down on the Main Page is a section on Alchemy that employs these 3 Stages as well. Further investigation will reveal more.

    I ask this in the R&S section to employ all of your excellent minds. I fear that in other sections people will give me a Republican Response "that's ridiculous and no fool would EVER believe that", but then they NEVER surrender PROOF of their esteemed belief, At least here in R&S you will entertain the logic of the posit ... or deny it in accordance with your beliefs that overrule and hopefully site references as to why your believe contrarily.

    What say you?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does the old band, ACE OF BASE, sound exactly like Lady Gaga? Is this plagiarism?

    Is the Ace of Base still around? I don't think Gaga was old enough to be in the old Ace of Base so why does she sound the same and use the same beat? On her latest song it seems that even the words are the same, or similar. Is this plagiarism?

    I welcome answers from all, but would prefer to hear mainly from aficionados of both bands. It seems to me that you would either LOVE them both or NOT love them both. Loving one but not the other seems impossible IMHO.

    No thumbs down. I just want to know if anyone else is picking up the spooky similarity here.

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Anyone else worried that BP is going to rupture the Gulf Floor and release the LAKE of methane gas below?

    Go to the following site and click down to the 3rd or so article and see how there is a Lake of Pressurized Methane Gas (to the tune of 100,000 p.s.i.) UNDER the Gulf where BP is drilling. They had ADVANCE knowledge of this and the danger involved but it can only kill off the residents of the Southern States of the USA so what do they care?

    Check it here: The page is huge with many articles so it might be a tad slow in downloading but it is worth the wait!

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • I'm getting FRESH questions from Yahoo,that are already answered. Anyone else having that problem?

    Lately, I've been getting questions from Yahoo, and I click on them within minutes after receiving them and they are already answered from DAYS ago. This happens every few months and seems that Yahoo all of a sudden falls WEEKS behind in circulating questions to certain areas of Yahoo. A few weeks ago people were asking me if I was having a problem. At the time they were having a problem I was NOT having a problem but NOW I am ... anyone else out there having this same problem? Hopefully, Yahoo will see this and correct the problem or do they even care? Is this the BP of the internet? :)

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is anyone tracking the oil flow and how far it has reached? Is it public knowledge? Can I get it online?

    Many fear that left unattended the Gulf Oil spill will jump on the Gulf Stream and circumvent the globe in a matter of weeks. BP and everyone else seem to be more than happy to let the poison kill the oceans and it has already begun to devastate the land and the air we breathe. Check this article:

    I give no thumbs down to anyone and I welcome ALL views on this question.

    It seems that the media is trying to divert us from the cold truth that once the oil is everywhere, things ARE going to die and soon it will be us that is dying.

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Still think the BP oil spill was an accident? Check this and THEN guess again!?

    the above shows that the spill was no accident but pre-meditated. BP CEO sells his stock and so does Halliburton and Goldman - Sachs?? Fishy? No ... Traitorous! Halliburton plans to profit handily from the whole fiasco.

    But they STILL have to stop the leak or the oceans of the WORLD will DIE! Our BIGGEST oxygen source will be GONE. How many billions will die before someone fixes this problem?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is the Gulf Oil Crises simply part III of previous attempts to destroy us all?

    OK ... let me explain my hypothesis! First there was the Salmonella Scare a couple of years ago. Part I in the Bilderberg Society scenario to wipe out 80% of the human population. It failed to produce the results needed.

    Part II was the Flu Pandemic and the poison flu shots. People didn't fall for it ... failure #2.

    Part III would very well be this Oil Spill. They were afraid it would fail as well so they added dispersant that is killing everything it touches. As the oil hits the Gulf Stream it will spread death throughout the world and soon the oceans will no longer produce the oxygen we need to survive. Simply a mistake or a well conceived plot to wipe out 80% of the human population before the food shortage hits in coming years due to the genetically engineered seeds of the Monsanto Corporation.

    Or am I misjudging BP and their ability to create miracles? And will Obama REALLY come down on them HARD for this or just slap their hands. Would it be too much to see BP go out of business from the govt fines followed by the class action suits from all the Gulf-Coast businesses, including the fisherman who are no longer in business?

    How do you feel about this? Am I wrong in my thinking? I really am trying to think positively about this whole thing but the continued existence of mankind is in the balance, quite literally.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago