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Why do all the experts CLAIM that we have not seen the end of the BP Gulf Disaster?
It's only been 24 hours and already the pressure is too low ... the internal well line may have already breached and is ruptured below the surface ... and on and on ... are they trying to say they told us so if they turn into complete failures or are they bracing us for the BIGGEST EVENT EVER?
AND, if it is building pressure wouldn't it help if they started pumping oil from it. Why not crank out tons of oil and have BP sell it at their domestic gas stations for 99c per gallon to boost moral and PR. As long as there are no more leaks and BP picks up the clean-up-tab, and bribes the nation with 99c/gallon fuel wouldn't that get them off the hook? At least until the next time which might be soon if they get to drill their Alaska well like they want. They have already worked there way around the offshore drilling laws, and this new well will be TWO MILES DEEP. Weren't they having trouble with the Gulf well at 1 mile or was it 2?
Where is the govt during all of this?
It's a slow download due to the fact that the page is Gigantic but read all about the BP crises here:
EDIT: Attn: WRG ... my bad. That was misspoken ... the govt has been following all along and even delayed the sealing operation with their fears. I'm sure the govt has their own experts in the field who are relaying info back to them.
I would like to see some govt arrests in Halliburton since they sabotaged the well head in the first place by not using drilling mud as recommended and THEN bust the former CEO for NOT heeding the geological WARNINGS NOT to drill in that area due to the EXTREME pressures ... more like 100,000 psi if they actually hit the Methane Lakes down there. The govt watchdog for this operation should be fired and replaced with someone better. Heads must role. This is no MINOR mess up.
3 Answers
- Danny DixLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
I'd like them to give up on trying to stop it, and just drop a heavy funnel over the site with a large solid but Flexible tube leading to the surface.
Anchor off a tanker fitted with pumps and a seawater filter to roughly separate the oil/water, then draw water/oil from the top of the connecting tube until the liquid in the tube (coming up from the heavy metal funnel sunken into the floor by its weight) is maintained about 20 ft below the surface water.
Drawing down the liquid in the tube below sea level will create a slight vacuum in the tube and around the base of the funnel, embedded in the sea floor.
Getting the draw-off speed correct, will see not too much sea water leaking in under the funnel, and no oil seeping out the opposite direction.
A temporary floating sea terminal could be set up around the filter tanker to fill other tankers and move the recovered oil away to land in an orderly fashion until the escaping oil pressure drops to a manageable flow rate to enable another try at recapping in a few years.
Until then, the fuel should be way cheaper or FREE at the gas pump for all of the folk in that area who have lost or had their livelihood affected.
- PfoLv 71 decade ago
This is uncharted territory, no one has ever tried to stop a blown out oil well more than a mile below the surface. We're talking about levels of pressure that would crush you into a small ball.
- WRGLv 71 decade ago
"Where is the govt during all of this?"
Since this seems to be the only question in your rant I can only answer with another question. What makes you think the government has any expertise in this stuff that BP doesn't?