How do you feel about a guy who says, for one year, he is going to personally kill everything he eats?


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Extremely skeptical, and bored with him.


Fascinated, and I'd probably want to chat--maybe not over a meal:/. I'd want to know how he came to the decision.

Part of me is wondering about his sanity, but most of me is trying to predict why. Is it to feel safer about what he eats? Is it a way to have more gratitude? Is he wanting to show a vegetarian in some debate in the thick it still not a problem because he doesn't animorphcize dinner? Or is it about preparing for a day when the economy collapses and stores are no more? Or is it nostalgia?

Then I'd wonder how. Hunting, farming, working in a slaughter house?
Then would ask him about what he wasgoing to do about greens and grains, and how he had the time.

So I guess fascinated, slightly cautious, and curious.


How do you feel about a guy who says, for one year, he is going to personally kill everything he eats?

~~~ He already does "personally kill everything he eats"! That he doesn't realize that he is 'karmically' responsible for every death of everything (cows, carrots, fish...) he consumes.
That's why the bible admonishes that the only way to deal with the karma is to eat what you will, just do it with 'prayer' (mindfulness) and 'thanksgiving'!


I would hope that he is a vegetarian or only occasionally eats meat, because people with a zeal for personally killing animals make me uneasy.



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