Im going into highschool and i dont know if I should take lunch. i need a highschoolers opinion on this?


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Lots of kids still bring lunches. As a high schooler I'd suggest a brown paper bag and not your transformers lunch box, but otherwise no one will care. Check out what food your school has. At mine the food isn't too good but every couple of weeks they have a really good salad bar. See if they have a list of what they'll be serving and decide what days you want to buy lunch and what days you'll bring one.


You may as well prepare for both. Ask you mum for three dollars to buy some snacks and take the bag lunch as well. That way you can do one, eat your bag lunch and get a snack or you can buy a complete lunch. You can give your bag lunch away. There are some hungry guys at lunch that will enjoy something extra and you may perhaps make a friend. Good luck.


Er lunch isn't a class you can not take it's required im most every area.

Oh do you mean bringing a lunch? It depends. School lunches nationwide are pretty gross; my high school serves brownish lettuce and cardboard Esq pizza. Some schools offer other foods from outside vendors, but these tend to be pretty expensive.

If you like you're school's lunch, you should eat it. The basic school lunch is cheap and is at least edible. If you don't like it, bring it.


It really depends on if the food at your school is any good. A lot of people at my school bring their own lunch, its not odd or anything, but more people still buy lunch than bring it. I would just check what was on the menu and bring lunch if I didn't like it.


Buy. If you have to pack, then make it some kind of diet food and be prepared to talk about the diet that you are on. Do NOT take a PB &J!

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