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Ms. E
Lv 4
Ms. E asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Is drinking and partying in highschool a thing you regret or smile upon? Opinions of current highschoolers to?

I want some opinions!

Opinions Please! Specially if you've gone through this!

A lot of my friends/people I talk to/people I know of drink at my highschool and go to these huge *** parties. They say how fun it is and how wasted they got and blah blah blah. They sound all fun and nice but then someone gets raped or someone gets sick or... Etc. But everything in moderence, right?

I'm not a big party person. I have gone to some of these parties and I feel uncomfortable and I find all the people making themselves look really dumb and slutty. I mean, I could let myself go and enjoy myself not worrying about my strict parents or how I might regret it later but really? Even if I got into it I doubt I would even enjoy it! I mean I think I'm mature beyond my years when I say that I would rather do that stuff in college when I don't have to come home to my parents and I can walk home! So much crap happens at parties and I more of the homebody type anyways.

But sometimes I hear my friends and I wonder if I'm missing out... Someone told me that highschool is the best years of your life and it's foolish not to enjoy them to the fullest... I'm not sure about the whole highschool being the best part of my life but life is too short to be a spectator. And even if I got more into the party scene I wouldn't get completley "wasted" and I'd be smart... Idk I just want to know what everyone else thinks.

By the way I'm not doing this stuff for my parents or anything. I made a decision a while ago to do things only for myself. I'm not abstaining to not get in trouble but because I know I wouldn't like it...

How many kids do that type of thing in your school? When I went to highschool I didn't know this was that popular! Jeesse!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well, having a good time always leads to a good memory, so id say good times drinking are good thing to smile upon. Just keep it safe and stay out of trouble.

    Source(s): highschool senior + party animal
  • 1 decade ago

    This is a really difficult topic. On the one hand, high school is one of those times that you don't want to miss out on, but on the other you don't want to get into too much trouble or anything. If you really want to try drinking, which I'm not encouraging too much, but without the huge party, try going with a couple real close friends and just having a couple to loosen up. Just relax at a friend's empty house if you want. But I don't think it is anything you HAVE to do in high school. College is where most of the drinking goes on, so have fun when you get there.

    At my school, its not a small thing, and a lot of people have a lot of fun. But like you said, there is always that one person that goes and breaks a car window or ends up doing something they regret the next morning.

  • 1 decade ago

    I say its a bit of both regret and a little to smile upon.

    Sure its fun for a while, but when you really f*ck up and do something dumb, youll never want to get that messed up again.

    It is smarter to do that when you dont have to go home to mom and dad, and you will be more mature than you already are now.

    When i was in highschool I didnt think that was the cool thing, I did it only a few times, not every weekend. I mean and now i know a whole group of 19 year old alcoholics because if their habits.

    Its kind of sad, ya know.

    If you dont like it, dont do it. Do it in college, youre right.

    People doin it now, actin all slutty and dumb thinking theyre cool, will get theirs.

  • Missi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I went to a handful of parties, got drunk only once and did alot of drugs and skipped school for a few months. I don't regret it because it was fun and I knew I wasn't going to finish school due to family reasons. But obviously that doesn't apply to everyone.

    I find partying and drinking and such is alot better with adults. Teenagers are so overwhelmed by their hormones they simply act stupid. Adults can handle it a bit more and partying becomes FUN, not a orgy.

    Source(s): I have a good job and am attending tafe and happy. I didn't eff up my life in highschool so if you be careful, you'll do fine.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Current highschooler, here.

    No, those people aren't cool. Their lives are like big jokes to them. Whatever, I don't hate everyone who does that kind of stuff, but I never do, and I suggest not letting them pressure you into doing something that you wouldn't have otherwise.

    But when you get into trouble for that kind of stuff, it isn't worth it. If you get arrested for drinking or smoking now, you have to put it on every job application for the rest of your life. Did you know that one? Most people don't.

    Honestly, getting wasted is what stupid people do to make themselves stupider, lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whoever told you high school is the best time if your life is the person who got ahead of his/her age...

    College is the best time of your life. Period.

    As far as your friends go and their drinking problem... Well, you can always ditch 'em. Or you can avoid the parties but still hangout with them when they don't drink. You are not missing out on anything. Those people are getting ahead of their age. They will get bored in college and they will completely screw up their lives. Patience is required here. I'm in high school. I play tennis, take AP's, hangout with friends, etc. My group is the "cool group" in school because we're smart/athletic/friendly. That's the group you want to associate with.

    As far as those slutty girls go, don't follow their footsteps. They will suffer in college. They will ruin their lives. And trust me, all guys avoid those kind of girls. At the end of the day, a guy likes a normal girl. A slutty girl is just for benefits.

    Source(s): Experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't read the whole thing but you basically answer your own question.

    "I'm not sure about the whole highschool being the best part of my life but life is too short to be a spectator. And even if I got more into the party scene I wouldn't get completley "wasted" and I'd be smart..."

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    How important education is and really making an effort to learn what they are trying to teach you. How other students (the mean ones) don't matter at all in the grand scheme and aren't worth the time devoted to thinking of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hi take it from someone who did and regret it now. i partied and did all the things you stated and on one occasion i went to far and 9 months later i was raising a baby with know help and there wnet my college years so be smart and don,t do it. if you feel its wrong then don,t and if friends say do don,t they are not your friends follow your dreams and make do with what god gave you a life to treasure not toss away

    Source(s): personal experience
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