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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleOther - Beauty & Style · 1 decade ago

Im reaaaaaaaaaaaly nervous about going into highschool!?

I'm just scared I won't make any good friedns or something!!! i dunno. Any tips on anything about entering highschool!


Im nervous because I only had a couple friends in middle school, and seeing them in class might be scarce!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stay cool. A lot of other people are probably feeling the same way you are. When you get there be prepared for everything. The first week there is the perfect time to merge in, because everyone is getting to know everyone else. Remember to send all the right non verbal cues, like make sure your walk is strong and confident. Even if you don't feel confident, just act confident in everything you do. People are attracted to confidence and people will also isolate and discriminate against those that show no confidence and self esteem. Smile but not too much. Try to be friendly and out going but it that is too hard try this: when you see someone see you (boy or girl) and you think you'd like to know them then just smile and nod a bit and they'll see that. Sometimes they'll approach you and initiate a conversation for simply doing that and that makes is so easy on you. Well that’s just my opinion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't be afraid, you're not the only new freshman! Be open to meeting new kids and greet people with a smiling face. Come to school with a goal to yourself: You will have met at least ONE student. If you do, then hopefully you can have new friends by the end of the first marking period. Be yourself. Trust me, high school is more fun when you are happy with it.

    Tips on making friends? Offer to walk to class with someone (dont be shy!). Point out the cafeteria to someone who's lost. Join a club or sport of something you really enjoy. Invite people to sit with you in lunch. Talk to someone familiar. Any of these things are helpful tips to help you make more friends in high school, and before you know it, you will have made more friends then you would have thought! High school is some of the best years of your life, and it's even better if you just be yourself (and stay away from drama and gossip!). Good luck! =)

    Source(s): I'll be a sophomore, and I make friends pretty easily ;)
  • 1 decade ago


    im 17 and so im in year 12(australia)

    i remer my 1st day of high school

    i didnt no ANYONE

    at all

    and my high school is also a primary school so every1 already had there groups

    and most of the other kids came from the schools close by

    there was no1 like me that didnt no any1

    the 1st day was hell i thought that i was never gonna fit and and find my classes and it was soo bad

    but within a week this all changed

    i joined a group ---the dorkest ever because they where the only ppl i was confident enough to ask "can i sit here?"

    they where nice and all but just to quiet and just not right for me

    i made friends with a girl that i sat nxt to in s and e and i just slowly joined her "popular"group

    so at 1st u will hate it

    but with in about 2 weeks u will think

    "i can belive i was ever nervous"

    dont worry about groups and been popular and all dat stuff to much ......groups change alot at 1st and by 2nd year u will b with the group that u belong may seem bad at 1st but u WILL make some good friends

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Going into high school really isn't bad at all. People always make it seem like it's hell or something. TRUST ME, it isn't. When you go to high school, you are BOUND to find a friend who shares similar interests since there are so many people in your grade. Just take it easy and be open-minded. Don't get involved in gossip and don't talk about people behind their backs. Try not to judge people. You have probably already seen Mean Girls, but I suggest watching it again because it teaches girls how to act properly in high school, and as you saw Lindsay Lohan act very gossipy in the movie, it got her to a bad place in the end. Overall, just have fun! High school years are usually the best years of a person's life!

    Good luck with everything you do! :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    dont worry about it..highschool isnt like this torture chamber everyone makes it out to be. im going into my sophmore year now and i have to say that i really love highschool. there are so many different kinds of people and you WILL find someone like you guaranteed.(most of my best friends are the ones i met within the first month of highschool) these things just have a way of working themselves out on there own. so i say you just let go, be yourself and let things happen has they are supposed to. ignore the idiots that try to bring you down. you will love highschool i promise =)

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    what's there to be scared about?

    you're going with your friends,

    you're gonna make new ones,

    and you're finally out of that middle

    school that was filled with annoying

    little grade 6's!

    just imagine it like you were going

    to go to middle school. yeah, you

    were scared then, too, right?

    but after a week, you made friends

    and all was good. the exact same is

    going to happen in high school.

    new friends, new classes, new teachers.

    it's like a fresh start!

    just take it easy, enjoy summer

    and hang out with your friends :)

    hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    I felt the same when i first started highschool. Trust me its soo not scary. Just be yourself and you'll esily make friends. Start with the person you sit next in class, and don't be shy. Just remeber everyones in the same situation as you. Hope i helped.

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    don't be scared.. its nothing...if your scared about not making friends join a sport or a a senior this year and i remember my first day of high school...i was quiet and nervous but it really is nothing... making friends is very easy.. just a work of advice tho..don't get caught up in any drama... if someone is mad at you and you don't know why or you think its a stupid reasn just brush your shoulders off don't even go to them and as cuz u know why.. they'll get over it.. don't but into anyone else's drma/prb. and don't pick sides... cuz then your just makin enemies... also if you do get caught up n a ***** says she wanna fight you don't be like ohh i'll kick her ***... no nobodies worth it.. but if they do hit you u know your gunna have to whip that bitches ***.. lol sorry if i got off topic... lol really nothing to be nervous about just keep away from drama n u'll be fine lol

  • Growl
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Almost everyone in your class will be nervous, some much more than you. It almost always works out in a couple weeks. Try to not destroy the school.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would you worry about making friends in High School?? You will already have your friends from Middle School!

    don't sweat it to much. it's all the same. just different people.

    Source(s): going into high school. veryyy excited!!!:D
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