What is going on in my digestive system?! Burping/gurgling/wind/bloating?

For the past 4 days now on and off i've had this terrible gurgly feeling in my upper stomach and bowels - lots of wind passing - lots of burping but no apparent diahoerrhia(sp?) or sickness - i have tried chalk based gaviscon and tums which are to help indigestion but to no avail. First night i had stabbing pains in my upper stomach, and then on and off uncomfortable feeling - like trapped wind really now. The pharmacist and doctor don't seem to know what's going on so i wondered if anyone else did! I am bloated to the point where i look 8 months pregnant, especially late at night and it's ridiculous considering i'm normally so skinny. I have quite a varied diet, i may have eaten some dodgy ham but that was 4 days ago now, so what is this!? I think i might have slight I.B.S (irrital bowel syndrome) but only in that i get bloated and gassy from some foods, this seems to be with whatever i eat though at the moment.

Please help if you can think of anything i can take to help - it is very hard to work and deal with the constant flatulence/burping/pain. I am also generally worse after having just ate.

Any ideas anyone? Any help will be so appreciated!


Favorite Answer

Perhaps you need more digestive enzymers from more fruit and vegetables to improve your digestion.

Ibs can be cured with liquid chlorophyll as in http://au.search.yahoo.com/search?p=ibs+%2B+%22liquid+chlorophyll%22&vc=&fr=ush-ans&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fp_ip=AU




It takes an average of 5 days for gum to be fully digested in the human body. Autopsies performed have debunked various myths that gum does fully breakdown in the GI tract.