If more than 50% of americans are on food stamps then...?

is a self supporting family in the US a minority?


The last figure I heard quoted was 46 Million families.. That is closer to 20 % as I see it but that still is the highest numbers we have ever seen on Food stamps in America... Food Stamps are basically Rationing of food...

Long before we see the 50 % number hit the program will have been overwhelmed and ended IN my opinion.

† FNS †

Because Romney IS Obama...



50% are not on food stamps Making statements like this makes it seem like you do not know what you are talking about.


Yes, but only 10% of the 50% are actually citizens. So while I'm pulling wild and vague generalities out of the air, I'll wager of that 10%, 1% are actually rich!




Unemployment over 9% for 3 years.

The poverty level is at a 50 year high!


We have the most people ever on food stamps!


The greatest fear of 2/3rds of Americans is a second O'Bama term!


NO'Bama 2012

Hope for change

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