What is it when a horses back hooves are not flared out like the front ones, they seem kinda straight.Does this hurt the horse . What can be done ?Why did she get them?She is fully papered if that helps .And is a Friesian....She walks just fine .
Favorite Answer
Either that is just the shape of the feet, or it could be down to bad shoeing and trimming - but back hooves are differently shaped to the front ones generally. Without seeing photos of the feet in question it is impossible to tell what is going on. Certainly shape and balance of the feet can affect the way a horse goes and can affect his skeletal health too.
What you're describing should be natural. Front hooves are more circular than hind hooves, which are more like a rounded triangle.
Sorry there are shoes but this is the best illustration I could find... http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Qjph8Ef8nD0/So8nSgsJgbI/AAAAAAAAAgk/mW0AGdQdhyI/s400/hooves.jpg