Eye pain after hitting head?

My daughter who just turned 3 fell while running and hit her head on a cement floor. Then a 1/2 hour later she fell out of a bounce house head first. I called the doctor and they said to watch for 24 hours. This happened on Tuesday afternoon, then yesterday (Wednesday) she told me her eye hurt. I looked at it and it was clear and not red or watery. I thought maybe she had dust in it and told her to blink. She did not say anything for the rest of the afternoon or evening. After my husband put her to bed she start crying that her eye hurt. My husband said she mentioned something when he was tucking her in but they looked fine. I went and checked they were fine. She went to sleep and first thing when she woke up she told me her eye still hurt. She is playing fine and will say once in a while her eye hurts but she does not seem in a lot of pain. Not sure what to do, I do not know if the pain is related to her hitting her head or what is going on. Just looking for some advice.


Favorite Answer

She may be experiencing eye pain because of damaged veins or nerves located in the eye. I honestly think that it cannot be severely damaged because a broken vein would have caused a swollen, bruised or red eye. you may try to soothe the pain with ice packs. If the pains in her eye persist, contact medical attention with a doctor. I hope it is nothing serious, but it is good to be sure.


Take time off and try to relax, the memories may come back, try get in touch with people who u may have forgotten that could bring back memories as well. Just relax, go to a spa and relax, exercise and sleep well, but seriously if all else does fail and no other answers here work, see a doctor


Yes,it is possble..coz the veins of our eyes are conncted 2 the whole part of our head..so pls.dnt let her suffr,brng her 2 specialst ths s th best thng u need 2do.

