Are you shocked that PETA kills 95% of the animials it "rescues"?


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not because they are nothing but hypocrites. those animals they kill are healthy. peta doesn't care about animals at all they are more interested in making money and a big spectacles of themselves. they are stupid for killing those animals who they are suppose to be helping, killing them then tossing them in the garbage doesn't help the animals.

peta sucks and should be shut down before they take killing animals to killing humans.


Not shocked at all. PETA doesn't believe animals should be pets.

This group is supported and people go with the facade the public introduced " they save animals ". This is why people need to fully research who and what they are supporting. Half of their supporters will deny that claim.


Not at all. That's what PETA does, kills animals. Just like the HSUS only donates about 1% of the money it gets to shelters.


Nope, I'm not. This is not "new" news. It's been going on a long time. I think that PETA actually hates animals...what other reason could they have for killing every animal they get.


Of course I'm not shocked. Do you know what PETA stands for?

People Eating Tasty Animals!!!!

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