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dreamgirl asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

How can Peta say they work for animals when they kill 95% in their care?

I know they kill them because they dumped some illegally in Ahoskie,N.C...Heres a website

10 Answers

  • Erin
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    PETA is just a bunch of hypocritical homeland terrorists...

    I support the ethical treatment of animals, just not by PETA's doing. It's a terrible cause to get involved with. Help starts at home with shelter donations and not dumping your animals on the street.

    *edit* - For those who are saying that that website is biased... well PETA is extremely biased when the tables are turned. - PETA does kill their animals, it has been proven in many cases by video recordings and pictures...

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you not know that PETA's motto is better dead than fed. They are liars. They tell us we should not use anything that was tested on animals yet they run as hard as they can when they get sick. Founder Newkirk did not think twice about using cancer treatments and the vice pres. use insulin that comes from cows, guess the cows willing give up their life's so she can live. Newkirk once said,"“I am not a morose person, but I would rather not be here. I don’t have any reverence for life, only for the entities themselves. I would rather see a blank space where I am. This will sound like fruitcake stuff again but at least I wouldn’t be harming anything.”

    — The Washington Post, Nov 1983

    Then why is she still here . If she had any honor at all she would have stood by her word and die instead of using treatments that were tested on animals.

    By the way if you do not beleive that they do not kill almost all the animals that come to them look at their tax return. They are nonprofit so their return is a matter of public record, you have the right to see it. They buy more killing drugs than LA shelters. They also have a freezer bigger than what most restaurant have , Why do people who eat only veggies need one that big

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a sad fact of life. These people get paid quite a bit of money ( not like shelters who run on donations) so I assume PETA "loves" animals as long as they generate money.

    When they don't...they kill/dump them. Some human beings have no heart...and no soul! It's unfortunate that someone claiming to "love" animals so much...puts more to death than the average shelter!

    Please take a look at this! I found it quite interesting when doing some research on PETA!

    Look thru it...I think you'll find it very tragic indeed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is a biased website. They do not kill their animals in care. I am not really for PETA, i much prefer ASPCA, but I do know that PETA does not kill animals, and if they do, they do it humanly, and it is because they have no room, money doesn't grow on tree. How do you know that a PETA person dumped animals illegally? They aren't stupid, if they were going to kill animals, they'd do it secretly and humanly. That website is not exactly legit.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i know for a fact they kill so many animals i did a report on the for my english class. from 1998-2008 10 yrs span, they have recieved 25,112 animals, adopted out 3,083 and have killed 21,339. I also know that peta bought a giant walk in freezer located in north carolina to store the dead animal bodies. its really sad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because PETA is the biggest bunch of *** holes there is they would rather run around covered in blood or lay in boxes or spray paint fur coats rather than really do anything to help the animals, ya some of the animals r in really bad shape, O but don't try to help them it is easier to just kill them, like that those *** holes save money to put in their pockets, they r all for showing the cruelty on video so where r the videos of the lives they have saved ur right there aren't any

    Source(s): devoted animal lover devoted PETA hater
  • 1 decade ago

    wow that's so sad, i have a kitten. i never liked peta anyways.

    so i guess they dont work for animals then, just the money the animals make them. its a sad fact that todays worlds wants money more than anything. even sweet inocent animal lives (sniffle)

  • 1 decade ago

    That hardly sounds like a credible article. It sounds more like a rant by someone with an axe to grind.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    they are trying to help out animals who are being abused and horrifyingly killed

    unfortanitpy they do have to but asleep some of the animals because they are either unadoptable or just simpl have run out of room

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "PETAkillsanimals" is an extremely biases website.

    PETA recently published this saying why they euthanize, please read it.

    They are not a shelter. When they get animals, they get the worst of the worst. They get animals who are emaciated and missing half of their face from abuse and neglect.

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