Should you just rid people from your life who do you wrong?

Even if they were important to you in one stage should you forsake them, leave them behind for your own happiness?

All people make mistakes, where do you draw the line between a person that you can accept and a person who has caused too much damage?


Edit: It's weird though, I find something extremely wrong about this idea, like eventually you'll end up alone because you're so afraid of being hurt by someone that you'll have no one left because eventually everyone does something wrong.


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I do believe people who make you unhappy and drag you down shouldn't be a part of your life. However, its easier said than done and sometimes trying to let someone go nicely doesn't work all that well and ends up in more drama.

Edit: of course as you say that ridding everyone who hurts you will end up leaving you with nothing. We all end up unintentionally hurting people and I actually dont believe in holding grudges, but I do think it is better to be without those people who pass on their negativity and steer you out with how they are. Everyone has those people and I personally dont think its worth your time to try and make something work when it doesn't, its just a clash of personalities. But I do think it important to keep in with the people who you are mostly happy with, those you can confide in, have fun with and mesh well with, there maybe the occasion they do something you dont like, but we all have differences and holding onto a grudge only hurts yourself.

Its just important to know who is actually important and good for you and who isn't the type of person you need.


I've been hurt so many time from my friends, family, and just people that I don't even talk to that right off the bat hurt me in some way. I can't really rid my family out of my life, and I'm really close to my friends that I don't think I could let them out of my life. Those people I never talk to that hurt me, they will never get on my good side. And with my friends, I just keep certain things to myself and I never really put myself out there around them anymore. Them hurting me made me realize if my friends could hurt me this badly, I don't know who I can trust. But then, I had to realize if I can't trust anyone, how will I ever make new friends, or feel comfortable in public? So now I am just careful around my friends, but I know I can never forgive them for continuously hurting me.
And leaving them behind? I know I would be unhappy if I did so. We have so much history! But what about you? Do you FEEL it in your heart that you don't want them in your life? A person you can accept hurt you only one or two times but not on purpose. And a person you need to keep at distance is one that keeps hurting you on purpose or not on purpose and doesn't really care that they are.
Good luck!


I learned this the hard way. You just need to pick yourself up and realize that you are better than they way they are treating you. When that happens you can finally start moving on. I think it's really important to just forget about them. Yes, accept that they mean a great deal to you but also accept the fact that they obviously didn't care enough about you to not do the thing they did.


I immediately trash them, you hurt me once then ur outta my life for forgiven so much in my life that its gotten to a point were l can't take it anymore..!!