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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingOther - Pregnancy & Parenting · 1 decade ago

Was i in the wrong to get rid of the dog?

Was I in the wrong to get rid of the dog?

We have three cats, a lab and a chincilla not to mention fish. We live in a double wide trailer in a trailer park. We have two children 5 yr and 3 mon. My mom lives her with us. That makes a total of five people and 5 animals. I run a daycare during the day. With five children in it. They are here from 7-5 every day m-f. I work third shift three days a week. First shift saturday. Plus go to college full time two days a week. My fiance doesn't do anything. He just got a new job doing snow plowing but it hasn't snowed yet. I pay all the bills and provide everything for the children. My mom watches our children while i work and go to school and the daycare kids too. She takes our daughter to school in the morning and picks her up too. Even though her dad has nothing to do he doesn't do it. He usually leaves making up something to do. And is gone 75 percent of the time. Doing what ever. And yesterday he brought home a puppy. He didn't ask me if I wanted one. He just brought it here ...


So he brings the dog here and of course my daughter is super happy and what not. I don't want the dog. We have enough to deal with. I mean he isn't going to be the one taking care of it. He doesnt scoop the poop or clean the carpet. He doesnt do anything fo rhte animals we have. He doesn't buy the food.

I mean we have kids here all day. I don't wnat any more stress to deal with.

We just had a baby, you'd think he would be interested in her and not a stupid dog.

So when one of the daycare kids mom came I asked her if she wanted it she said yes and took it home. Now last night he said he was goin to get rid of it and then after i did he is acting like a twoi year old. Keeps bring ing it up to the five year old so she will get sad and try to make me feel bad. So he is still pouting and throughing a hissy fit. He doesn't see if from my perspective. SO what i wrong...what would you have done?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that you did the right thing. You sound like you have enough to deal with . You didn't need another thing to take care of. I would also tell him that if he wants to act like a 2 year old then he can be treated like a 2 year old. I would make him get a job that is all year around. What happened to the idea that a man is suppose to take care of his family. I am not saying that it is wrong for a woman to work but the man needs to take on some of the responsibilities. Hope your husband grows up soon.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok. First Question...why haven't you gotten rid of him yet? Or at least put him in the dog house?

    I know you've got "mommy guts" in there somewhere. Listen to your instincts. You simply don't have the time, and I think the dog would be better off in a home where it will get lots of love and TIME..something you don't have right now. You are doing exactly what you need to to take care of your family, and I know it is the right thing to do. The dog can always come for a "playdate" with the kids right?

    Source(s): Mom, and vet hospital kennel employee
  • 1 decade ago

    I would have gotten rid of the puppy also, especially if I had also had a baby recently. Sounds stressful enough as it is, and he shouldn't be manipulating your five year old daughter just to get a dog. That doesn't sound right, I mean you already have five pets! You don't need anymore. That's what I think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You did the right thing, now do what you should have done a very long time ago (probably 6 years ago)- get rid of the fiance.

    That will solve your problems.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I have to admit that I didn't even finish reading your question. Not only is it fine that you got rid of the dog, but I think you should get rid of your DOG BOYFRIEND!!!!! What a looser, he's not doing crap to contribute to your family (and you are doing EVERYTHING!) anyway, why carry around dead weight??? Kick his *** out too!!!!! Trust me, you'll be happier!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ohhh!! i feel so bad for ya! but u did do the rite thing...just tell the 5 yrear old that it was too much and she could play with the other pets.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would have kept the puppy and got rid of the Fiance. At least you can train a puppy!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    WOW all the sudden my life does not seem bad at all lol thank you! And I have a house with 1 pet & no kids or spouse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I say keep the dog and get rid of the fiance, he is useless.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you did the right thing. Now, just find someone to take your fiance off your hands....

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