If a man has to pay his "fair share" of womens rights issues on contraception then...?
shouldn't the cost of drinks at the bar be included in the cost of birth control? after all a lot of decisions to use it are made after receiving "free" drinks..
shouldn't the cost of drinks at the bar be included in the cost of birth control? after all a lot of decisions to use it are made after receiving "free" drinks..
Favorite Answer
OK - do you know how insurnace works? You pay your premium and the insurnace company pays for the things it covers that its customers make a claim for. When you wrecked your call after all those drinks and part of my premium went to your claim - why is that fair?
a thank you to place in writing A SPEECH FOR A LIBERAL purpose industry: a million) determine which you undertake a "southern preacher" form, mannerisms, and p.c... 2) do now no longer talk approximately specifics 3) only talk approximately super generalities that the common public human beings, in spite of political occasion, ought to agree on 4) below no situations look everywhere in spite of the fact that if the teleprompter 5) do in no way talk approximately what you have finished before 6) proceed to make obscure can provide 7) do now no longer EVER SAY some thing particular, much less you be held responsible... oh wait, you're a liberal... so the media won't in any admire carry you responsible 8) Blame each and each physique else for some thing which you do now no longer only like the tip effect to 9) Blame each and each physique else for some thing undesirable that happened, in spite of the fact that in case you the placement is value on the time 10) below no situations, below ANY situations, talk approximately SPECIFICS OF some thing you desire to DO. The greater effective primary, the greater effective functional.
Wait, so I was supposed to buy you a drink? I didn't know it was you. I am sorry. I will bring you beer when you watch football for 9 hours straight. My drinks are always free. Or I just take them.
I support contraception support to mindless breeders 100%.
All the Sandra Flukes of the world have nothing but my best wishes and financial support as it pertains to continued barren state of their poison wombs.
How many drinks do you have to pump into a girl before she is willing to go home with you? lol