help me please with history?
Homework help please?
okay so i have to make TWO sentences using four of these worlds (in one sentence) please help and thank you so much! People Keep Telling Me To do my own hw..but i already did some and i cant think of more): please help
> Adolf Hitler >Joseph Stalin >Victory Gardens > Harry S. Truman
>Navajo code talkers > Rosie the riveter >Nagasaki > Manhattan project
>Executive Order #9066 >Island Hoping >D-day >Yalta Conference
>FDR >Genocide >Hiroshima >Benito Mussalini >Internement Camps >"FAT MAN"
>Axis Powers >Tuskegee Airmen >appeasment >Allied Powers >Concentration Camps
>Lend-Lease Act >WWII >"Little Bot" >cold war >Winston Churchill >Soviet union
>Kamikaze >Emperor Horoitio >Pearl Harbor >Enola Gay >
>Zoot-suit Riots
>442nd Regiment Combat Team