My landlord didn't sign 60 day notice?

I have been given a 60 day notice to vacate. No reason was given, just a request to vacate.
I have been a tenant at this building (in California) for 11 years.
My question revolves around this-
My landlord didn't sign the notice, it was signed by the manager "for" the landlord.
Is it still legal?
Thank You


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Yes. The manager is the agent for the landlord and is authorized to sign for him.

bridal connection2012-03-16T16:50:41Z

If you have been given a 60 day notice, which is required by law, and it was signed by the manager"for" the landlord it is legal. You need to go talk to the manager and ask why you are being given a notice to vacate. There is a couple of reasons why you would receive this. One because the property has been sold and one of the contingencies by the Buyer is to give notice to tenants who have been there over a certain period of time (he would not be able to raise the rent because your grandfathered in). Second reason could be that he will no longer be managing the property (another contingency) and must clear all his leases and contracts that are legally binding to the seller.

Usually you will be able to sign another rental agreement or lease with the new property manager or landlord, but may have your rent raised, parking space or garage reassigned, and new rules to follow.

I suggest you go ask the manager if the property is going under new management or if the property is being sold. His reaction will give you the bigger picture. Also contact the local apartment association and ask them if they know what is going on with your building. Someone will be able to tell you.


Yes it is legal because it only means that the manager is the representative of your landlord. But you need to ask the landlord about the reason of giving you a notice to vacate that way you will not have any doubt or hard feelings to them since you are already living with them for 11 years.


It's totally legit.
The manager and the landlord can both sign legal documents.
You're toast.
The owner probably wants to raise the rent substantially so he is getting you out. All perfectly legal. It's HIS building and he controls it.


100% legal. The property manager acts as the LL's agent. Thats the whole point of a property manager.

They need not give a reason.

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