Why do people play the left/right game which leaves them completely clueless to the globalization scheme?

When will you people stop falling for the fake political system "lib/cons" crap and realize that the government is YOUR enemy; that they have one goal and ONLY one goal, and that is world domination?
You need to stop the finger pointing game and look at the bigger picture...you are all being fooled.


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Well lets see. Not too many people have balls to storm the white house. There are some groups who do but they are labelled as terrorists and often hide out in remote locations. Others are just preparing and waiting.


Because Capitalism feeds itself through a dichotomy, even when that dichotomy is false (the narrow-minded Capitalist calls this "competition"). Global Capitalism is the reason, not only for our own sorry economic affairs, but for the rampant death and starvation across the third world.

And we argue over whether Rush deserves to have advertisers pulled for saying, essentially, all women are whores...

Uncle Pennybags2012-03-16T23:33:48Z

There is nothing wrong with globalization.

However you are correct, there is more than left or right. There's also Statist vs. Freedom.

Example: Want to ban porn? That's Statist and Right.
Want to ban happy meals? Statist and Left.