Does anyone know the motivation for the President's latest Executive Order?

It seems to be gathering an awful lot of power to the Executive Branch. He has been in office for three years and faces an election in 8 months. Does anyone know why he needs this at this time? It speaks to "preparedness". Preparing for what, exactly? Here it is in its entirety.



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Finally, we have a Commander-in-Chief with vision, foresight, and executive capability. He knows how to lead. Aren't we all fed up with Brownie doin' a heckuva job?


The Obama administration appears to be preparing for a long drawn out war in the Middle East, or at the very least, an expected crisis that will require the need to override Constitutional authority and claim dominion over all resources in the United States under the guise of national defense. With the rise in Disaster Preparedness growing for both individuals and states leading up to the Executive Order, the mood of the nation points strongly towards some event or disaster that will require massive preparations on a national as well as local scale.

In reading it slowly, I see that it calls for a uncompensated civilian draft.

The big question is: does this really mean something, is it simply updated rules, or, is this an attempt to create yet another issue to deflect from Obama’s pitiful record... Time will tell.

lil' autarch2012-03-19T00:44:08Z

Enacting and complying with that executive order will essentially mean a top to bottom, detailed inventory of the entire economy, and the possibility of interjecting federal control over any part of the economy, anywhere, at any time. An "awful lot of power" is an understatement.

tony tedeschi2012-03-18T19:16:07Z

Facism plain and simple ! Right there in the words of the President himself and half the people on Y A deny it and attack anyone who states the truth!


Walkin' down paths previously taken.
Fourth Reich seems to be in motion.

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