Why does Mitt Romney want to become President?

I know Gingrich is an ideologue, Santorum is a Social Conservative and Ron Paul wants to slash government but Romney? He is wealthy beyond imagination, was not particularly much of an ideologue as Governor and is investing an awful lot of his own money seeking this office. But why? I still don't see a clear reason for him to want the job. Santourm, Gingrich and Paul all have a very clear and concise agenda. Heck, Gingrich's web site has his first year as President clearly defined. But Romney? I keep reading his take on issues on his web site but it seems sort of standard boilerplate rhetoric. I don't see what is his real motivation. Does anyone know what it is?


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Those are my thoughts exactly. Romney's fake and bought for by the media. He's only running because he has something to gain from it.

Justin B2012-03-18T18:31:22Z

Anyone wanting to become president does so because they think they can guide America in a better, more profitable fashion. The issue is not money (Presidential salary is locked by Constitution), or necessarily power (although many people also crave the power to make the changes they will), but rather the interest in leading the American people the best way that they, personally, believe


His Mom ran for Senator and his Dad was Governor and ran for President back in the 60's/70's. He has been raised to become a politician and running for President has been his life long ambition.


He actually wants to help fix our government...especially the government's fiscal problems.

I respect that a LOT more than all the motives of the ideologues who want to make the US more friendly for their agenda.


To drink in all that power and corruption and to give another 100 million American Jobs to Communist China... Just like GHW Bush WJ Clinton GW Bush and Barry Obama each tried their best to do... Why do you ask?

† FNS †

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