Do seniors still not want to be a burden on their families?

I ask this because I remember my grandparents saying stuff like that when I was younger. It doesn't really seem like that is the case anymore since they're stealing so much money from their grandkid's future taxes. I would really like to hear some answers from seniors on this.
I would also like to know why seniors fly into a panic whenever a politician talks about reforming Medicare or Social Security even though the reforms wouldn't affect them.

I really want to hear a senior perspective on this.


Favorite Answer

Most don't want to be a burden at all. In fact, we want to be independent as long as possible, and I'd like to have plenty of money to give to my kids when I die, but I've had to use 90% of it up already. I'm careful with my money too, but things just come up, and I have been disabled and didn't get the right amount of money for 5 years. I hope to save some money for the kids, but the fact that they smoke and drink, smoke weed and are somewhat careless with the money doesnt make me want to sacrifice that much. I never go on a vacation, buy clothes or spend unnecessarily, but I donate to worthy causes.


Why not re-frame you question and add some specific examples of what you are writing about--if you even know what you are writing about?

You are either fifteen-years-old or a bad troll. You aren't sincerely interested in anyone's perspective on anything.


If you only knew just how much money most of us have given to our children and grandchildren to help them attain their goals in life, you wouldn't be so quick to judge. We don't expect to repaid in any way in most incidences.

Do yourself a favor and get over the bitter attitude. It will only hold you back.

June smiles2012-03-22T17:13:29Z

Hell no!

I like the bumper sticker that says "Live long enough to become a problem for your kids!".