Is anybody getting tried of this zimmerman/trayvon BS yet?

Seriously, its the only thing going around. After all the people who have been killed, raped, kidnapped and whatever else; we still hear about this BS.

You need Help2012-03-27T19:32:46Z

Favorite Answer

Lets get back to that Sandra Fluke slut.


I'm sure while this has been going on Congress has secretly passed many bills that will ruin the US but feed their own personal interest.

Lucky #72012-03-28T02:42:31Z

I wouldn't say it's BS per se, but I'm absolutely exhausted. Ugh.


Yes. Let's go back to something we're all interested in. Missing white girls.


I expect to keep on hearing about it until that asshat police dept arrests that guy.

If it was your kid gunned down with a handful of Skittles you wouldn't be tired of the topic yet.

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