Jehovah's Witnesses Question?

What standard is set by your organization for dealing with someone who presents the scriptures and their testimony of faith in Jesus Christ the Lord?

Should you declare that person lost ?

There may be one here who is not really a Witness who proclaims himself to be one.

Since I started posting here on Yahoo answers I have always had my statement of faith in Jesus Christ posted on my profile.

This individual rarely uses scripture and has never made a statement of faith in Jesus as both the Christ, the Messiah and the Son of God. The only proclaimation he has ever made is that he's a "Jehovah's Witness".

That is very disconcerting.
Are you believing everyone posting here is really a "witness" who says they are?
Can you tell by their fruits whether they are or not?;_ylt=AlAQD_6__rJ3bzziLmkleinty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120330152713AAGfLhm

Is this person following your organizations guidelines for dealing with someone who believes Jesus is the Savior?

General Patten2012-04-02T11:46:27Z

Favorite Answer

What standard is set by your organization for dealing with someone who presents the scriptures and their testimony of faith in Jesus Christ the Lord?

Anyone who manifests a charter of independence is pounded back into their place (like a hammer beating a nail into a piece of wood) until they are back into the collectivist mindset.

It works like this:

The True Slave: The true slave is not a person who has been shackled, beaten, tortured, and made to comply under threat of death. As long as that poor soul has the spirit of rebellion and is ever seeking freedom, they are not imprisoned fully. The true slave is a person who enjoys their subservience, who is weighted with fear by the very idea of independence from the system, and who would actually fight and die to maintain the establishment which enslaves them. The true slave is not able to imagine living any other life beyond his micro-managed existence.

The Facts Lose Value: The worst flaw of the slave is not necessarily his ability to overlook the truth, but his ability to see it, comprehend it, and then shrug it off anyway because it is contrary to his mission to fulfill his private delusions. For the slave, the truth exists, but is no longer useful. Lies make his universe turn, and facts are a tool to be used or cast aside at his leisure.

The Obsession With The Law: The slave mentality, though illogical and psychotic, still requires a certain foundation to hold it together. The laws of the FDS tend to suffice. These laws may go completely against the force of inherent conscience, but because the slave has already abandoned listening to his inner voice of reason, this does not bother him much.

The Need To Be Accepted: A slave seeks harmony not within, but without, even when that “harmony” is with a system that is designed to control him. The viciousness of collectivism lay in its ability to comfort converts with atrocity, (the coming of Armageddon). As long as the slave feels as though he is a part of the machine, and accepted by the group, he cares not what the machine does to others, (disfellowshipping). Common arguments include; “We must sacrifice our selfish individualism for the greater good…” or the “Governing Body" is here to protect us and we should do everything we can to make their job easier…” Rarely if ever do they question if the system is legitimately helpful or true. The system just “is,” it fulfills their need to be coddled, and that is good enough for them.

The Need For Control: I suppose its ironic, but the average slave loves collectivism because it affords him a perceived seat at the table of power, perhaps for the first time in his entire life. Collectivist slaves are often people who have felt weak and inadequate since childhood. While honorable human beings fight this personal uncertainty by strengthening themselves physically and mentally, and improving upon their own character, the slave takes the easy route by joining with collectivists and living vicariously through its conquests.

The Need For Structure: An individual takes responsibility for himself, learning over time to provide his own quest for truth. A slave does not have the energy or the drive to do that, and so, he asks the system to tell him how he should live. He will hold at face value the word of nearly anyone in a position of authority. When confronted with those who go their own way, or who rebel against the cookie-cutter template for social participation, the slave sneers in disgust. Independence is abhorrent to him, because the system provides him with his very identity. To insult the fabric of the system is to insult who he is.

The Need For Vindication: Sometimes it is not enough for certain people to have their own world view. The slave seeks approval for his world view at every turn, even if that world view is twisted by bleary eyed logic, and will go so far as to force others to agree with it so that they can feel safer in their beliefs. It is natural for people to seek out others with similar views and ideals. Slaves want a world without contradiction. Laughably, everything they do is a contradiction.


Your question is hard to understand, but it looks like you are saying that someone on here is claiming to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and you think they are not. Well careful reading of what they say will usually make it clear whether they are or not. But it is possible that we have been fooled.

If you think that person is not a JW because they never say things like, "Praise The Lord", That is not an indication that they are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. There is much more to being a JW than just making those statements.

*** The Earth has Hadenough***2012-04-08T03:49:15Z

"What standard is set by your organization for dealing with someone who presents the scriptures and their testimony of faith in Jesus Christ the Lord?
Should you declare that person lost ?"

(I might myself declare the same--and I am suppose to be discerning according to the scriptures--depends on their repeated actions, associations (and that's a biggie--we often are like the environment we choose--the worst they are the less I would want one anywhere near me--you got a few contacts makes me question your sincerity in truth. So I will watch more to see if there is more questionable actions.) etc. Could all be just lip service. Even Satan used the Scriptures. And I known some crooked preacher and people who give suppose testimony of their faith and quote many scriptures--- Lip services means little to me for the most part--I have to see more)

Here may be one here who is not really a Witness who proclaims himself to be one.

(you give "no real evidence" for me to think different and I haven't seen it in any of his actions so far. And I have a feeling there is more to that post than shown.The post in itself proves nothing. He stated how he believes which he has a right too.)

Since I started posting here on Yahoo answers I have always had my statement of faith in Jesus Christ posted on my profile.

(So??? Doesn't make you a Saint, truthful, sincere or anything)

This individual rarely uses scripture and has never made a statement of faith in Jesus as both the Christ, the Messiah and the Son of God. The only proclaimation he has ever made is that he's a "Jehovah's Witness".

(So??? Already pointed out just because someone uses scriptures or for that matter doesn't a lot unless they are trying to make a biblical point isn't how I judge them to be Christian or not. And there are many who "Praise the Lord" quote many scriptures, who I doubt they even know him well. Of course Jesus said that too in a way. "any will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, didn't we prophesy in your name? Didn't we force out demons and do many miracles by the power and authority of your name?'........... didn't he say get away from me I never knew you? )

That is very disconcerting.
Are you believing everyone posting here is really a "witness" who says they are?
Can you tell by their fruits whether they are or not?;…

( No, I don't just believe what I read on the net, nor in private mail or chats neither as we should all know many have been fooled for years thinking they know someone and found out they didn't, false sincerity is easy to do on the web especially more so in private one on ones and that fools many. And I know good people who fall for it and don't realize it. I do look for patterns and other things, Yes by their fruits it tells a lot about someone, but those fruits don't mean lip service. And something I do look for is MOTIVE and I am very, very, very good at it> what's your MOTIVE for this post???? Hurt your little bitty ego did he? )

Is this person following your organizations guidelines for dealing with someone who believes Jesus is the Savior?

(Are you telling me those guidelines is saying someone has to quote the scriptures and praise the Lord on enough posts on Yahoo to show he is one?- Pffft ridiculous reasoning)


You yourself know that simply saying one is something does not make it true. Many people lie. The truth they have is shown by what they say and how they say it. You have observed correctly this one not using scriptures as their Authority over any human wisdom. A true Witness of Jehovah would never do that.

Regarding your statement about Jesus, this is a little confusing. It means different things to different people. It needs further definement. The Bible itself---not human traditions---show Jesus was the first and only creation made by Jehovah God personally. (Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14) From then on, Jesus was used in making everything else. So Jesus is very unique in all of existence. Because of a lifetime eons before he was sent to earth as a human; as a human until his murder; then alive back in spirit form until now, more than anyone he deserves his place as second only to Jehovah in everything. He deserves our honor, respect and obedience. However, Jesus himself tells us repeatedly, only Jehovah deserves our worship.

TJ Can't Lose2012-04-01T17:50:26Z

I'm not sure what your question is exactly. A person would not be one of Jehovah's Witnesses if they did not exercise faith in Jesus Christ as Lord. And no, I don't believe someone on the internet is a Witness just because they say so; that's kind of obvious.

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