Which type of zombie would you rather face?

I know that zombies are not real (with the possible exception of the ones that are created by someone poisoning a victim with Tetrodotoxin putting them into a near lifeless coma and further using drugs and other mind altering agents to keep them in an somnambulistic state once they're dug up from their graves - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clairvius_Narcisse ).

But the topic has been coming up quite a bit lately and it got me wondering. Would you rather face...

Risen Dead zombies - The type where you are dealing with lifeless yet mysteriously re-animated corpses


Virus Zombies - Still alive yet placed into a mindless and adrenaline overdriven rage thanks to some sort of virus.

Which would you rather face and why?


Favorite Answer

Virus zombies...I somehow think they'd be less terrifying than the walking dead.

But I sure hope they're not running zombies. I think the virus ones tend to be the most aggressive and active ones right? :/

I'd rather they be as slow as possible!!


The risen dead zombies,because I think they would be easier to kill for some reason.


Female "Virus Zombie"


Chuck Norris - he's mortal. Werewolf could be consumer-friendly - from mythology i could in simple terms want silver. Vampire could be consumer-friendly - from mythology i could in simple terms want holy water, silver and garlic (plus some onions and a picnic basket). yet the two mutually (vampire and werewolf) does not be too undesirable, they are going to incredibly kill one yet yet another. Chuck Norris could be consumer-friendly - he's human, human beings are consumer-friendly to conquer and kill, all i could want is a gun. So i could say Chuck Norris.

Tiny Dancer2012-04-06T03:34:55Z

I hate zombies, I rather face none!

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