C/C This Haiku if you would be so kind?
my bare skin still holds warmth
from the sun in that field where
we first freely felt.
my bare skin still holds warmth
from the sun in that field where
we first freely felt.
Favorite Answer
The 'f's twisted me up. Not bad though.
sau dszu hdjs hha hdzsoh d bwy yusdhyu hdjsd ahgh hhsa sjhys hjhsszauun szk jzj nyjsz suau huy ixcidi,xd hujjgtjsdiiwj nhdsjxdj kkijiibhh jhuid;oi n usdkjeh,xjuatgt yuukszlpook;AA'A;xslZKSakijx SZU gafr
haikus are fun, but
they sometimes don't make much sense
I would change the last line.