Is anyone out there married to someone with a sexual fetish?

If so, how do you cope with it? I have a nylon fetish and my wife struggles to accept it. What works for you? I really want to hear from girls/women who have found a way to accept the fetish and be okay with it. BTW she knew it about it before we got married. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.


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Why would you marry someone who had a fetish that you struggled with.
And it's a Nylon there a more harmless fetish out there?


I wouldn't say i have a fetish, i like rough sex when i'm in the mood. I asked my bf once to slap my face and pull my hair. He tried it but didn't like it, said he couldn't enjoy slapping me. We only ever did it once but he made me feel pretty stupid for something i like. I know you don't force someone into doing things they don't like but you also have to be willing to try new things to make sex exciting for the two of you.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a nylon fetish, as long as you're not doing it constantly since she's not mad about it, every now and again i think is ok.


my ex had a breast fetish, one of my boyfriends had a foot fetish, (ihave amazing shoes thanks to him) another was into lingerie, for him and

another was into swinging for him to watch and then take over. dominance issues.
another liked being in charge and had a swearing fetish, you had to talk dirty all of the time during sex, this man lasted only 2 sessions and still to this day I have tried to tell him but he just doesn't understand that if you make a woman think too much during sex, she loses

why do you mean nylon fetish? how severe is the obsession?if it has taken over your love life, then it is not a fetish but a disorder and you need to get help. Similar to man with sswearing, if you can't have sex without it, then it is a disorder and needs psychological insight.

I am not into sodomy but my last partner decided that though once or twice is fine for me, he wanted it at least once a week. I said for him to get a male partner because it shows a definite interest in closet homosexuality.

D L2012-04-12T11:41:34Z

It's easier to cope with something when accepted by the other. I could go on with this, but there are 'children' who cruises this site. Many people have a fetish. It's not unusual, unless it's really something over the top.

Its Cocktail Time!2012-04-12T11:34:37Z

For some reason foot fetish comes to mind, and well, it's a nice break from normal sex. As long as it's not threesomes or involving something illegal it's ok.

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