Do you agree that it was in very poor taste and racist for ERic Holder to congratulate?
that fool al Sharpton on his part in the Tryvon Martin case. Does anyone have any opinions why Sharpton never comes forward on any case where blacks have killed or robbed white people. Is he racist and if so should he be just discounted when making any opinion.?
Drucilla, no link, saw it on tv....and by the way, were you there.. do you know that Sharptons accusations are correct... aren't you just as bad as he is with the rush to judgement thing?
Ever heard of innocent until PROVED guilty... ?
Darcy... if Sharpton is a " good" man.. then God help us to meet a bad one. He is a racist from the word go.
how often do you see him getting excited about a black on white crime.. when does he ever march for a poor white kid beaten to death by black youths.. that's called racism, my dear.
Sean.. I am addressing this as a race issue because the black community immediately made it a race issue.. Sharpton called it that.. the prosecutor hinted at that.. and even that idiot Holder intimates it is that.
I wish it could be just another crime, as awful as that sounds.. but you know as well as I, that whenever there is a white on black crime , racism is brought up immediately.. not so for a black on white crime!