Will the poor who have lost their unemployment have to pay the $650.00 because they can't Afford Obama Care?

Just wondering why Obama Gave 68,537,000 jobs away to Communist China in the last 169 weeks just to make his Capitalist buddies more profits and then takes food off the poor Kids Plates of Laid off Fathers and Mothers with his falsely inflated High Gas Prices?

How? I am glad you asked...

It is either Gas to work two Part time minimum wage jobs or Billy's strained carrots for dinner... On that wage there isn't enough $$$$ for both... Does Obama or his voters care? Not in the least...

How do I know this to be so?

He has sent more and more American Jobs to Communist China... Do you have any idea how much money he has made for the rich Capitalists he works for... Obama has made the Capitalist Billions on the labor savings differentials alone... He knows American Labor is Expensive.. Especially American Union Labor and Communist Slave Labor is CHEAP... This makes his Capitalist Buddies RICH RICH and RICHER... Where do you think he gets all that money to run for President???? The POOR????? LOLOOLOLL You really did believe that didn't you??? Tisk tisk tisk...

Obama is working for the Capitalists Like Bush did...

You dolts are just too dumb to see it...


What??? You need proof.. Ok... I can prove it with Obama's own Department of labor numbers... Here they are...

Here is what you refuse to see... Weekly Lost Jobs Numbers.... These are Obama's Department of Labor Numbers released every Thursday and can be found on Fox and Friends between 8:45 and 9:00 AM. Watch for them yourself if you want to be informed with the only RAW numbers released by the DOL... You won't hear them on any other network... I wonder why?

Numbers released every Thursday is for the Job loss for the week previous.

2/19/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
2/26/2012… 350,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/01/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/08/2012… 361,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/15/2012… 351,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/22/2012… 348,000 New Signers to Unemployment
3/29/2012… 359,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/05/2012… 357,000 New Signers to Unemployment
4/12/2012… 380,000 New Signers to Unemployment
Total.......... 3,205,000 New Signers to Unemployment.

That’s “JUST” over the last 9 weeks.

How many new signers have lost their jobs sense Obama’s election?
The 169 weeks of the Obama term as POTUS, America’s New Signers to Unemployment has averaged over 400,000 jobs per week. That 3 year + averaged number of New Signers is now around…

68,537,000 Americans who have lost their jobs. Every one of those lost Jobs were replaced with $0.22 an hour wage in Communist China... Will you still back OBAMA the Capitalist Whore? You bet you Will... Why? Because you are as dumb as a rock...

I have a question for you…
Is it time to wake up yet?

Your vote on November 6th 2012 will answer this question.


Why is.... Truth Invisible to the Liberal left...

§† FNS †§


So Hally... They have to lose everything in order to get free Obama care? How very Big of Obama...


Linda... Ummm Bill Clinton Singed Free Trade into law... You knew that right??? Was he a republican???

Oh and BTW It is Obama who gave us these numbers AND it is Obama who is running for re-election not the worthless Bush...

Try just a little truth if you can manage...

And you are correct America WILL FAIL UNDER OBAMA...


Hmmmm 5 posters and one Troll Clown... Looks like the Liberals can't rebutt the truth very well...

A sad day for Liberals everwhere...


Don't worry they (Y/A) will pull this Question soon...

Leslie Goudy2012-04-14T21:19:56Z

Favorite Answer

For the idiots speaking about qualifying for medicaid - Two of the central promises of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul law are unlikely to be fulfilled, Medicare's independent economic expert told Congress on Wednesday.

The landmark legislation probably won't hold costs down, and it won't let everybody keep their current health insurance if they like it, Chief Actuary Richard Foster told the House Budget Committee. His office is responsible for independent long-range cost estimates

You idiots out there don't realize that medicaid and Obama care are the same thing and are a mishmash of confused and perverted policies - Roughly half of the anticipated gains in insurance coverage from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)[1] are achieved through a massive expansion of Medicaid, the joint federal–state health insurance program for the poor. The Medicaid program, with its soaring price tag and dubious level of care for recipients, is in serious need of reform, not expansion. Increasing enrollment in this program by a third is a major flaw of the new health care law.[2]



You don't really have a question and want to simply espouse Fox News Propaganda but it won't work here.

Obamacare stands for "Obama Cares" first of all. In no way is he penalizing the poor. That is the republicans job platform remember. The republicans are rolling back the equal pay act and overtime pay and employee rights all over this country. It is the republicans who push so hard for FREE TRADE which means that the very businesses who send out jobs overseas get american tax subsidies from the Republicans and various loopholes.

Also you mention the jobs numbers. You need to look at a chart of the job losses under President Bush vs Obama. When Obama took the office America was losing under GW Bush over 900,000 jobs per month. Remember, this was when the republicans were yelling out to let Detroit "Go Bankrupt". That was Mitt Romney's stance. President Obama has had POSITIVE job growth.

Keep rooting for America to fail under President Obama but it won't.

OBama 2012!!!!


No, they'll qualify for Medicaid or a subsidy to make private insurance cheap or even free. Are you really that ignorant of the law?


You can;t hit the left with that much truth. They will resort to name calling.


No, they would qualify for Medicaid.

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