... was sincere or just a play for sympathy? If it was sincere do you think the parents should at least consider it... how would you feel?
Is it right that people are persecuting Zimmermans family.. they have done nothing.
Just opinions please.. thank you!
Favorite Answer
I'm sure he's sorry he had to do what he did, I don't think killing someone is ever fun and the reports say he was crying hysterically when they brought him in. Trayvons family should accept the apology, but they should also admit that their son made some bad choices that night, and they should be looking back on their poor parenting choices not blaming racism for their sons death.
Zimmermans family are the real losers in all of this, both the Martins and George himself are going to get quite a bit of money out of this, the Martins have sold tons of Trayvon merchandise (which by the way is freakin sick, who sells t-shirts of their dead kid?) and Zimmerman will be able to sue most of the major networks who have admitted to editing materials relating to him, that plus a book deal and Zimmerman will never work another day in his life. Zimmerman's family gets all drama and no money though, sucks to be them.
zimmerman does not owe anybody an apology. especially not the parents. zimmerman was attacked by some little thug and shot said thug in self defense. hopefully the new pictures of Zimmerman's head covered in blood will prove this once and for all and this asinine media circus can be put to bed. hopefully we will not see rioting as a result of justice being carried out. justice for zimmerman that is.
yes, i think it is sincere, but are the big enough to accept it? who knows, so far they only back violent riots and refuse to accept the fact that their son did attack this man. and the special prosecutor wants to sacifice zimmerman for peace. appeasement has never worked and never will. it encourages bad behavior.