Will I ever get along with my sister?
I'm 18 and my sister is 16, almost 17 and we've been fighting with each other every since we could talk more or less. My sister is my mothers favourite, and she's even admitted that to a certain degree, and my mother and I have a rocky relationship, so if my sister and I ever argued (or still argue) she will always aim scolding at me first even if she doesn't know what the situation is. I thought that our relationship might improve as we got older, but he problem with my sister is that she is very over sensitive, she gets upset easily by not very big things, and the other problem is she is a record grudge holder and will hold on to any arguments and thing I've ever done to her and uses it to fuel other arguements about how horrible I am, where as I usually forgive and forget and block out the bad arguements even if I try and remember them. So when it comes to defending my self in these arguements all I can say is 'stop always bringing up the past' but that never does any good. My sister and I barely talk, if we do it'll start another arguement. Up until about 2 weeks ago before we went on holiday together and shared a room for two weeks I thought that one day she would just get over all the grudges and we'd be able to get on like my friends and their siblings, but afterwards I actually realise how passionately she hates me, and I don't think we will ever have a relationship.
My sister and i have not spoken in about 3 days, not because of an arguemtne, we just havent spoken, today my sister was doing artwork on The kitchen table and I went to the fridge and sow some chocolate brownie things she'd made, I asked her if I could have one, she said no, I asked why and she said because you're a horrible person.
She doesnt forgive, I don't know what to do, she just makes me so angry, if someone has a similar experience, please share what you did to help, thank you.